Chapter 3: First Day

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"2-A, 2-A, 2-A, come on where is it?"

Wandering through the large halls, we see Izuku, who is wearing UA's boy uniform consisting of a pair of green pants, a gray button-up jacket with a white dress shirt and red tie, and his iconic pair of red shoes, and Golbert, who is wearing his usual leather cap and jacket with a bag on his back and a pair of goggles on his head.

Today is the day. After three months of preparation and training, Izuku and Golbert can now begin their first day as UA students, and be a part of the second year heroics class, 2-A.

"How does UA not have a campus map? You would think they would have one."

Well, they would if they could just find the classroom. After Toshinori drove and dropped them off at UA's entrance gate, they have been left to find their classroom on their own, but due to the immense size of the school itself, its been rather difficult to find their classroom. It also doesn't help that UA doesn't offer maps of the campus to students so they can find their classes.

"This just sucks. How are we supposed to go to class when we can't even find it?"

"This is just furr-rustrating."

"Not exactly a time for puns Golbert, but that was kinda good."

"Oh Izuku, when will you learn that any time, is a good time for a pun?"

"When you get better source material."

"...Touche pawtner."

As Izuku and Golbert continue to search for their class and wander the large hallways, they end up passing several other classrooms, one in particular having some inaudible yelling coming from behind their door. The door read "HC 1-A" which told the duo three things.

1. They were on the wrong floor.

2. The doors are absolutely massive (something that they, somehow, didn't clue into till now).

And lastly, that they're glad to not be a part of that class.

"Glad to not be part of that class."


Sweatdropping, Izuku and Golbert quickly scurry away from that classroom to continue finding their own classroom. Walking further down the hallway, they find a staircase and make their way upstairs where the classroom doors now reading "2-A" with what type of course they are on the doors, such as GS (general studies) and HC (heroics course).

"How did we not realize this sooner?"

"I have no idea."

The duo continued down the hallways, rarely passing by a student or two that have lost their ways in the huge maze that is UA. After walking through the halls for a few minutes, they eventually come across a door that reads "HC 2-A".

"Finally, we found it."

"Pawsome, let's head in!"

Excited and eager, Golbert goes to open the large door. The door now open, the duo look into the classroom that is filled with students chatting away with each other in small groups. Izuku and Golbert walk into the classroom and continue to look around the classroom and take in bits and pieces of information as they look at each student, while a few of them take a glance or two at our duo. Izuku and Golbert look around the class to find an open seat to take, but as they do, Izuku's attention is drawn away from looking for a seat, but towards something else...

"Izuku, I found us a seat."

...but Izuku's attention was drawn away again by Golbert this time who found an open seat for them at the back of the class.

Izuku, The Wyvern of All (Canceled)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon