Prologue Quest: Discovery in Destruction

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The night sky was illuminated in a red and orange hue. Black clouds that rumbled and roared with thunder and lightning, covered the night sky, hiding the stars and moon from the land below. Blaring sirens can be heard in the distance.

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, now rests in ruins of fire. Thankfully not all of it was lost, only a huge portion of it was in ruins.

Heroes begun evacuating the destroyed districts of Tokyo, and either evacuating them to a safer location in Tokyo, or into the country outside of Tokyo.

The source of the destruction has been discovered, but any attempts to stop it, have proven futile.

A four legged tyrant, with scales of black and white spikes that protrude from the chest, legs and massive wings, a tail thick in size, two large horns rest on top of its head like a crown. Under its scales and in the cracks of its horns, it glowed orange and red.

Marching its way through the ruins, no heroes dare oppose it as they have seen what it can do. They have watched dozens of heroes burn to crisp, froze in huge chunks of ice, electrocuted. None could stop it.

Their only chance of survival is to save as many as they can, and avoid the dragon at all costs.

"Damn it! We need back up!"

One of the remaining few surviving heroes shouted out as the stood a long distance away, facing the large black dragon.

"I've tried calling for backup, but no one has answered back!"

Desperate cries for help can be heard in the back as they stood in front of a few dozen civilians and heroes that were escorting them. The heroes that stood in front of them all were the first lines of defense from the dragon.

"Shit, we need to be a lot quicker than this or we won't survive!"

"We're trying! There's just too much debris and fire! And my quirk is reaching its limits!"


With too much debris and fire, they are barricaded from escaping. They could only stand, watching as the dragon marched towards them, spewing a few flames from its mouth every now and then.

Stopping in its place, the dragon rears onto its hind legs, delivering a powerful roar that caused the heroes and civilians to flinch and hold their ears. As it came back down, it's legs were spread apart, mouth open, and came forth a large column of fire heading in the direction of the remaining heroes and civilians.

"Look out!!!"

Rushing to cover the civilians from the flames, they waited.


"It's fine now. Why?"

As the remaining heroes and civilians turned and faced forwards, they saw a large, hulking figure with blonde hair and two large yellow bangs that stood upwards. He stood there holding a massive boulder that's blocking the column of flames, he wore a large smile, finishing his catchphrase.


"It's All Might!/We're saved!"

Cheers erupt from the crowd as they watch All Might toss the large boulder aside when the column of fire disappeared.

"Evacuate them all, let me deal with this villain!"

All Might spoke, getting a clear response of agreements. As the surviving heroes went to go help with the evacuation, All Might kept his attention towards the large dragon. Both stood there as fire continued to envelope the surrounding area.

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