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Sunlight streams through the windowpanes. Loose papers are stacked upon the corner desk, splattered with old and recent paint stains. Pieces of artwork, both unfinished and complete, are set in a haphazard system of organization.

Mr. Jang seems comfortable with this muted chaos. Even with his memory loss, the patient is certain he's never seen a room like this.

"Your art is so lifelike," he comments, taking a seat in one of the chairs by the desk. Mr. Jang turns to him with a grin.

"I've always loved art. Much like your love for photography."

Mr. Jang walks towards one painting on the wall. It's an angel with vast wings, soaring through the sky. Her eyes are shut, but her smile is wide, glittering with the sun.

"I did this one in my sophomore year of university," Mr. Jang explains. "It represents the freedom of losing your insecurities, the shackles that block your potential."

The patient nods. Mr. Jang has an inner poetic sense; it's been used remarkably.

He walks to another piece on the wall, where a group of students in green uniforms dance in the rain, holding hands. Unrelated, they still form a family, leaning towards one another like they came from the same womb.

"This is my favorite," says Mr. Jang, his smile fond. "I think I did this...a year after I graduated from high school?" He nods to himself. "Yeah. A year." He points to two boys in the middle, who look the closest. "This is me and Joonyeong. We went to school together."

Ah, thinks the patient. That's why they seem so close.

"Are you best friends?" he inquires.

Mr. Jang chuckles. Something in his eyes alludes to a deeper story.

"Yeah. You could say that."

On the corner adjacent to the windows, the patient spots a painting of a beach during the sunset.

A shock passes through him.

Where have I seen this before?

"When did you do that one?" he asks, pointing at the piece.

Mr. Jang turns to him, his expression wondering.

"Which one?"

"The beach."

Mr. Jang's eyes follow his finger's direction. Recognition fills his eyes.

"Ah! That one." He walks towards it. "That was a couple of years ago, before we moved to Busan. Joonyeong, Heejin, her aunt, and I had gone out on a beach day." He grins once more. "Heejin had just finished elementary school, so she wanted to celebrate. I decided to do a painting to memorialize it."

The patient nods. He doesn't know what strikes him so much about the painting, but he decides he likes this one the best. It's the most soothing to him. It brings him the most peace.

"Are you related to Heejin?" asks the patient.

Mr. Jang shakes his head.

"Joonyeong's kid, through and through." His look grows fond again, but it has a much different undertone than the previous look. It's much more...profound. "That girl inherited his brains entirely. She's at the top of her class."

The patient takes a second look at the beach painting. There's something about it he can't understand.

He needs more time with it.

"Could you place it in my room?"

Mr. Jang looks quizzical.


The patient looks up. His eyes don't leave the painting.

"I might remember something if you do."

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