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Dr. Oh takes his patient on a walk the next time he's free. He instructs him to bring the camera.

"I found it on Mr. Jang's bookshelf," his patient says when asked for an explanation. They stroll on a path next to a field of flowers. "I never forgot my love for cameras."

Dr. Oh nods, remembering his partner having to purchase it for a photography class back in university. He used it occasionally, but it was mostly left to collect dust. Perhaps it can be passed on to this more eager recipient.

"I'm sure Woojin would let you have it," he replies. "For a camera like that, it's sorely underused."

The beam his patient rewards him is answer enough.

Dr. Oh sends him off into the field.

Lunch finds his daughter browsing through the new photos with awe.

"I decided to take it from this angle because of how the lighting reflected the flower," his patient explains. "You see the bright color of the petals? That's what I wanted to capture."

Dr. Oh sets out three steaming bowls of oxtail soup. He pours less for himself to save some for his partner, who's attending a major art exhibition in Seoul. He won't be back before midnight.

"Thank you for the soup," says his patient. He bows before spooning in some broth.

"Thanks, Appa!" his daughter chirps.

Dr. Oh plants a kiss on her head.

"Apart from your interest in photography, is there anything else you believe might help you regain your memory?"

Dr. Oh has a notepad at the ready. Though not required, he plans to log each day of progress. His patient might want a record once he gets his entire memory back—if he does.

Said patient has no answer for him.

" I really don't know."

"Not even your name?"

His patient is launched back into the realm of deep thought. He visibly struggles once more, going as far as to bite his lip in contemplation.

In the end, he comes back empty-handed.

"You don't seem to have the usual retrograde amnesia, despite the circumstances." Dr. Oh jots down his diagnosis on the log. "Even though you suffered a concussion, it wasn't enough to induce this form."

"What kind do I have, then?"

"A rarer type called psychogenic amnesia," Dr. Oh answers. "This form of amnesia, like the other kind, can cause you to forget past events. With this one, you have the added misfortune of forgetting information like your name and family."

"So, how is it caused?"

Dr. Oh sighs. He sets his notepad down.

"It's usually a response to some violent trauma."

When his partner returns home, it's almost one in the morning.

"Hey, love," he greets from the threshold. He sets his backpack down by the door. "Is Hee-jin asleep?"

"Put her to bed hours ago," Dr. Oh replies, standing to greet his partner. "My patient went to bed soon after."

His partner smiles. It's endearingly fond.

"How's it going with the memory?" he asks.

"I determined the type of amnesia he has. It'll take a while for him to regain his memory."

His partner offers a light chuckle.

"Well, with you on the case, he'll get it back."

Dr. Oh gives him a kiss. He really loves his partner.

"Let's hope you're right."

Finding My Way Back to You (Again) || 20th Century GirlWhere stories live. Discover now