Chapter 13

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"Emily...." Carter whispered.

They watched a movie last night and they had both fell asleep while watching it. "Emily..."Emily opened her eyes.

"Morning." She said

"Happy Birthday." Carter said kissing her.

"My morning breath must taste great."

"It does." Carter bent down and kissed her again. Emily smiled at him.

"How does 22 feel?"

"It 22?"

"Just a spring chicken."

"We all can't be 26 and old like you." Carter shot her a look. Ouch." He got out of bed and went into the closet. Emily sat up and stretched. He came back out with a bag in his hand. Carter went around to Emily's side. He sat next to her. "Happy Birthday." He said handing her the bag.

"Thank you." Emily looked into the bag, she moved aside the tissue paper and pulled out a long velvet box.

"I hope it's a pen for school." She said jokingly

"It's like you knew." He said

Emily opened up the box, it was a gold bracelet. "I love it." She said. Carter looked at the bracelet, "there are two initials on there." Emily looked at it again, she didn't even see it. "E and C" she said

"Yes, so when you are not here and I'm not there physically, you can look at the bracelet knowing I am thinking of you." Carter said. Emily started crying. Carter wrapped his arms around her."I don't think I have ever had someone cry over a gift, is it bad?" He asked concerned. "No, it's beautiful, I love it, I just don't want to leave." Carter looked at her. "I know, I don't want you to either." He kissed her lips.

"I should just drop out."

"No, I don't want you to do that. I want you to finish. It's important to me that you do. It should also be important to you too. I am not going anywhere, you have my heart."

"And you have mine." Carter took the box from Emily and took out the bracelet, he put it on her wrist. "I love it." She said looking at it and then kissing him again.

There was a knock on the door. "Ugh." He said. He got out of bed and went over to the door. "Your Highness, Good morning, King George has sent a message about your titles. Also, he has asked if you would like to join him for breakfast to discuss todays plans." Carter knew this was not so much a question rather an ask.

"Yes, let me get ready."

"He has asked for you to be in the dining room in 10 minutes."

"Right. I'll be right there."

"Yes your Highness." Carter shut the door. He went over to the bathroom and turned the shower on. "I can get going."

"No, stay."

"It's okay Carter. You might be busy and I need to go home, shower and start packing." Carter went over to the bed and kissed her. "I will come over to your place tonight." He said as he ran into the shower.

Emily went into his closet. It was a huge walk-in closet. She was going to help him pick out a suit. She picked out a navy blue suit, she looked at all the ties in the tie drawer. Carter came into the closet with a towel wrapped around his waist. Emily couldn't help but look at him.

Still wet from the shower, his hair in his face with drips of water coming down, his chest, his six pack. "Ms. Williams, I do believe you are staring." Carter said to her smiling.

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