Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Emily woke up in her bed. She rolled over and took her phone off the nightstand. Carter was already up, he texted her good morning and that he had a wonderful time last night. She smiled as she reread what he wrote. He had texted her at 7:11am, it was now 9:02. She started to type her reply back to him. "Good morning, just waking up. I had a great time too." She hit sent.

A bubble popped up, he was replying back to her. "I am glad you had a great time. I have some meetings today, if I don't respond that is why. I'll text you as soon as I'm free. Carter"

Secretly she was hoping that he would want to spend time together but she understood.

"No worries. King stuff comes first. I'm going to help my grandparents with the gardening, clean that up, you know, peasant stuff." Emily put a smiley face at the end.


" Talk to you soon. C"

C she noticed, she liked that.

It was late afternoon. Emily and the family were outside moving shrubs around, planting new plants.

"Any plans with Carter today?" Samuel asked Emily

"No, he said he had some meetings today and basically wouldn't be around much." Emily said as she took out her phone to see if he had texted. Nothing.

"How do you feel about all of this now?" Julie asked

Emily shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's weird a little bit."

"Why is that?" Dan asked

"I mean, like not weird in a bad way, just like is this really happening?"

"I can only imagine how you are feeling." Grace said

"Your father and I are happy for you. Just take it slow." Julie said

Couple weeks I am going to have an entire ocean separating us. That's the only part I don't like. Do I want to start something where I won't see them."

"I wouldn't have an ocean stop you. There are plenty of ways to make it work. But it takes two people to make it work." Dan said

They heard a car driving down the dirt driveway. They all turned their head and saw a black Land Rover. Emily knew who it was. He stopped the car behind the others and got out.

He was in jeans, boots and a t-shirt. His brown hair tasseled about. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Williams" he said

"Afternoon Carter." Dan said

"Emily said you guys were gardening today, I thought you could use some extra hands?"

"We would love the extra help." Grace said

"Great. Just show me what to do." Carter went over to Emily

"Hi." She said

"Hi." He kissed her on the cheek and went over to Samuel and Dan. Emily felt her face blush. She had a smile on her face that she couldn't get rid of.

Some time had passed. Samuel and Dan were running to the store to pick up some stuff for the garden.

"Have you and Julie talked about Carter and Emily?" Samuel asked

Dan chuckled "A little bit."

"Those two are smitten."

"Oh we know. This is something I am not sure how to handle so I'm just going with the flow."

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