Chapter 2

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Emily napped the entire car ride to her grandparents house.

She thought about Carter, he was very handsome. In her mind he was 25, older than her. He had looked like he played sports, Emily guessed different ones before settling on swimming and
running. His brown hair she was imagining being wet when he came out of the pool. She pictured him getting out on the side of the pool. Using his arms, his wide smile, those eyes-

"Emily...honey, wake up, we are here." Emily opened her eyes, normally she would have been upset as she was in a perfect dream. She yawned and looked out the window.

The view. Emily loved this view. The mountains in the background, the tops covered in snow. The lush greens everywhere. Her grandparents were avid gardeners, the yard looked something out of a magazine.

Everything was in full bloom in the yard, the pretty pastel colors of the flowers made the yard look like a fairy-tale.

Emily opened up the car door, Samuel and Grace were giving hugs to her parents. They looked over when they heard Emily get out.

"Our beautiful granddaughter." Grace said smiling as she walked over to her.

"Hi Gram." Emily said as they hugged each other

"It's so good to see you." Grace said

"You too Gram." Samuel came over so he could hug Emily too.

"Every time I see you, you get more and more beautiful, like your Grandmother."

"Thanks Grandpa."

"How was the trip?"

"Good, it was long but it's always worth it. The yard is beautiful." Emily said looking at it.

"The peony bush we planted a few years ago is growing so fast. I don't remember it being this big before."

Peony's were Emily's favorite flower, her Grandmothers too.

"It looks great Gram." Emily said

"I figured later on we could have lunch out in the garden." Grace said

"Sounds perfect mom." Dan said

"Let's get your stuff inside." Sam said

Emily looked up at her parents home, she loved their house. It was a stone English Tudor style. The gardens around the home made it look like even more of a fairytale. The house had been in the family for centuries.

Emily often wondered what would happen when her grandparents passed. Dan was their only child as well. She wondered if her dad would move back to Agron from Texas.  She hoped he wouldn't sell it, she didn't think he would, maybe turn it into an Airbnb.

"Do you need help carrying your suitcase Emily? Samuel asked

"No thank you Grandpa, I got it."

She went up the stairs to the second floor, down the hallway and to the last door. She opened up the door to what she called her bedroom. Emily loved this room. It wasn't big but it wasn't small. The exposed beams on the ceiling, the white paneling on the wall behind the bed. There was a small little window that was next to the bed.

Her grandmother had put fresh peonies, as she always did, on the side of her bed. There were two French doors that led out to a small patio. There was a small café table with two café chairs that overlooked the backyard.

Her grandparents had almost 100 acres of land. The backyard went on for about a few acres before it turned into trees.  Emily went back into her room and put her suitcase on the bed to start unpacking. She took out her cellphone and turned it on. Within a few minutes she was hearing the sound of text messages. She looked at her phone, her best friend Claire and some other friends. Emily called Claire.

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