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Dull moon beams peeked out from the curtains. Almost making a glowing effect through the empty hallway. The torches had all but become whispers in the night. The flames that danced on the walls nothing but some ash. The hall lead up to a grand door. Intricate wood carvings framed it,bright purple sugilite speckled across. It would have been a beautiful door if it hadn't held so much hate in it.and if all of the gems were authentic.  

I gently rubbed at my forearm,pulling up my sleeves.  I frowned at the bruise that was starting to form. A blue-ish purple marking,taking the shape of a hand. Damn hag  thinks she can do what she wants with me. She's lucky that I haven't ordered her to be thrown out yet-well tell dream to.    She was still useful in gathering info whether she knew it or not-Despite her overwhelming pride and poor anger management. 

I couldn't complain no-it wasn't worth the trouble. I had greater things to do,my mistreatment was only temporary. Karma would come soon enough. Soon  

Shaking my head I came up to the door. Straightened my crown and checked my outfit. A Dark purple cloak going down to my waist. The collar having a gold lining on the top tied with a purple apple clip.Black trousers and purple vest,with puffed out sleeves that were..much to itchy. 


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Behind the door was mobs of people. People who had came to see us,'official crowned'. Well-more or less just dream. I would have liked avoid this to begin with,but unfortunately I need the publicity.  No matter how much I hated it.

After the visions had came I had cooped myself up in the castle. Barely even going out on the balcony to catch the sun rays. Rumors had spread about my disappearance,assuming I had been assassinated by the gangs. Of course they questioned and  crowded dream for answers,yet they just assumed he was still in shock of my 'death'. They refused to believe I was alive at all-even making  a holiday-a mockery of my supposed death.  The gall of some people.   

Why my official guardians never did anything about it is unknown to me. I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me as much as the rest of this damned kingdom.

Dream was yet again oblivious to it based on how he acted around me. A bundle of joy who I know could be quite easily manipulated. While I was surround by abuse and hatred-he was coddled in warm hugs and love. Whether or not they were truly genuine wasn't guaranteed. Perhaps me and him aren't that different .I tried to push him away,he needed to know I was never going to be the same. I didn't want to hurt him. Yet he insisted and...he's grown to attached to me. 

That was bad   

I'd have to harden my heart sooner then I would have liked too.

Now I'm here,walking up on a pedestal next to my brother. Blaring lights all around us,and loud drums following no specific beat. Bright yellow paper stars and flowers falling from towers. Random glitter canons firing at us and among the crowd.this is literally hell.It was a shame really,how wonderful this could have been. The natural moon light would have been enough,and a more coordinated band could have set the tone right. Ugh,and don't even get me started on the decor-its appalling- 

"Nightmare you -made it!"  

I jumped slightly as my eye-lights swiftly switched towards dream.  A wide grin across his face,his eyelights being comically larger then usual.  

"Why do you say that as if it were surprising?" I replied,as I fixed Dreams cape. I can never understand how he never puts it on right..and why the servants don't help.  I better teach him soon,I won't be here forever. 

Dream giggled and once his cape was in place-he dragged me up to the front.   

Hah-I wasn't nearly prepared for this was I? 

The crowd had quieted down as soon as they finally saw me. Their eyes wide, staring as if they just saw a ghost. Anger and disappointment flashed across some of them,others curious. The stares almost froze me on the spot. The pure agitation they radiated was all directed at me. Trying to corner me,force me back inside to huddle away for the rest of my life. 

Fear-was that what I felt?  Pathetic-how can I continue my purpose if I'm like this? 

I had awakened from my stupor when dream put his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me with a twinkle-a dash of something behind his eyes. What was that?He smiled and waved at the crowd before an announcement was signaled by the music stopping. 

Get it together 

A mage of some sort seemingly glided down to us in a cloud. White flowing clothes with little white roses placed on top of their head. A veil across there back,glittering in the artificial light. 

Strangely their face was blurred.yet no one seemed to mention it. Everyone around us just gasped in awe-commenting on how handsome they are. Perhaps I was the only one who could not see? Or are they just saying that based only on clothes and ethereal presence? 

I glanced at dream to read his expression. He was just as bug eyed as the rest of them.  

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