Chapter 27 Birthday Boy

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A short glimpse of our couple

29th January was indeed a strange day. The date fell on a lazy Sunday this year. As usual our favorite professor was still in his dreamland. Satisfying his wife till early morning does require some well  deserved sleep afterwards.

Despite being an equal participant to their nightly activities, Aurelia was wide awake. The sunrays filtered into their chamber through the windows giving a warm tinge to the room. A dainty finger traced the sculptured body of the male specimen who was sleeping peacefully. The finger would travel all the way from the forehead to the bridge of his nose, would then pass through the dangerous territory of those pairs of lips. The journey continued towards the veiny arms, broad shoulders. Along with the finger, two eyes too followed the same path over and over.

Aurelia often wondered what kind of good deeds did she do in her past lives to deserve such man today. Indeed she had hit a jackpot. The man in front of her was her lifeline. Her every moment was his just like his every second was dedicated to her. With Ethan she felt safe, cherished, loved and adored. There was happiness, excitement and endless love. They would fight only to end it with a sweet kiss. Life was wonderful and she wouldn't allow anyone to disturb this tranquility.

Her mind went back to those darker period of her life. Those days which were filled with terror. Despite being a young child back then, she still remembered the sheer terror of the Dark Lord. The panic, the helplessness, the chaos, the destruction that vile man left in his wake. Families were ruined, children were left orphans, women lost their husbands, muggleborns were killed in cold blood. Those days were printed in her mind forever. She knew these calm days would not last forever. The war was written there in future. A more deadlier, a more final war. But this time, she would be stronger. Last time she was a child. Now she had children to protect.

The slight moment from her husband broke Aurelia's line of thoughts. Coming back to the present she again focused her eyes on the man in front of her. Cupping his face, she raised herself to kiss his forehead, then his eyes and soon she began raining shower of kisses all over his cute face. Feeling the sudden onslaught, Ethan woke up with his wife perched upon him. His hands automatically went to balance her body. One hand on her waist and another behind her head, caressing her silky hair, Ethan gave her a sleepy smile.

"Happy Birthday, love", said Aurelia in a whisper

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"Happy Birthday, love", said Aurelia in a whisper. " Thank you, my dear", answered Ethan with a small peck. Rolling her back, now Ethan was on top of his wife while she laid facing up with a huge smile.

"Well, I like this wake up call. You must wake me up everyday just like this ", the birthday boy ordered with a smirk. " It's only for special occasions. Don't get used to it" , answered Aurelia with a grin. "Oh, is it so. Then I must make the most of it right now, "exclaimed Ethan while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

" What are you upto? ", asked Aurelia with raised brows. " Oh, you know love, just some good morning  exercise with you", Ethan fired back while raising his hands in position and soon started tickling her petite waist. The suddenness of his actions made Lia to cry out and soon the chamber was filled with laughter of the young couple.

✨✨Author's Note
So this was a little something I wrote a month back but couldn't post due to some issues.

The full chapter will be uploaded soon.
Happy Reading ✨✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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