Chapter 1 Blacks

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Today is 1st September, the first day of a new term in Hogwarts and the house of Blacks is more busy then usual. Why not, the youngest, the littlest Black, Lyra Black was to start her Hogwarts journey from today. It won't be wrong to say that more then the little girl a certain wolf man was paranoid and panicked. Busy with packing her trunk, ensuring she has enough dresses to keep her warm, her books, snacks, treats etc .Mr Lupin could feel his hands shaking while he continued the last minute checking. Taking a deep breath he stopped himself and closed his eyes.

He suddenly found himself in the arms of his husband who tried to calm the nerves of his over sensitive partner. Needless to say the marauder could finally find his breath back. The Black master has seen it all. He was a witness to the almost there meltdown his partner was currently going through.

Holding on to each other , both men tried to send some silent support to the other person. The thumping of stairs made them to finally let go to see the little girl all ready for the new adventure.

Lyra Black, their little baby was not so little anymore. She was to board the train in a couple of hours which would then take her to her new home for the next 7 years. To a place which had provided shelter, friends, families and tons of memories both good and bad to her adopted parents.

As Lyra came bouncing down the stairs, she found both her dads in close distance to each other. 'Must have been hugging each other again', fondly shaking her head at the thought, she quickly made her way to them to show her outfit. Regulus started fixing her already perfect hair and Remus made his way to the kitchen to set the breakfast table.

"All okay? ", asked Lyra quietly to Regulus pointing at Remus discreetly. Regulus glanced at his husband and nodded yes to his daughter. " Just realising how we'll finally have some peace in our home now that you'll be gone" , he said fully knowing the upcoming onslaught of words. Squinting her eyes at him, putting both her hands on her waist, the 4 feet tall (too short) girl just kept glaring at him. Deciding the shade thrown at her was too trivial to warrant a reply she merely grunted and went to the kitchen with her father following back with a smile on his handsome face.

Remus was quick on his foot and the breakfast table was all ready with Lyra's favorite chocolate pancakes and maple syrup. She gave a delightful shriek and hugged her dad in thanks and began gobbling up her breakfast. "Calm down, eat slowly", Regulus lovingly scolded her. " It's just so delicious daddy" , Lyra exclaimed with mouth full. Both the men knew her well. There was no stopping the girl now that she had pancakes in front of her. Accepting their defeat, they too started eating, in a more human like fashion.

After completing their breakfast and cleaning up, Regulus went upstairs to bring Lyra's belongings down as they needed to leave in an hour. Suddenly the fire place gave a spark notifying them of an incoming guest. Already knowing who that would be Lyra shouted in glee and ran back to the hall and right in front of the fire place to welcome her guest. Out came dusting her dress, with open arms was none other than Aurelia Black who was then quick to gather the little girl in a warm hug. Remus came forward and then hugged the girl who was not less than a sister to him as well. Hearing the noise Regulus too came down and welcomed his baby sister. "Are you ready? Did you do your breakfast? All the packing is done, right? ", Aurelia started her question round with Lyra who was quickly answering all of them in the same speed. Again Lyra found her hair being fixed by her aunt. 'Blacks and their obsession with hair', thinking this Remus went back to bring a plate for Aurelia after all the littlest Black got her obsession of chocolate pancakes from her favorite aunt only.

After 20 mins of eating, gossiping with Lyra,comforting both parents about Lyra's safe stay at Hogwarts, Aurelia stood up and bid goodbye reminding them not to be late and promising to write a foot long letter by the end of the day describing Lyra's first day at Hogwarts in great detail to the both men seeing as she was the astronomy professor there.

By 10:50 am the family of 3 too left for the station to start a new chapter of their lives.

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