Chapter 2 Diggorys

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After visiting her brother's family, Aurelia was back to her home. Her home. Waiting patiently or rather nagging his uncle in about every 2 minutes for her whereabouts was none other than a 11 year old, brown haired boy with cherry colour cheeks, Cedric Diggory. The sparking of the fire place again notified the impatient boy that his aunt is finally coming back. Seeing it was indeed his lovely wife, Aurelia, Ethan Diggory released his breath he didn't know he was holding untill now. "Why did you go? We have to leave for school. We could have been late on our first day, do you know? " started Cedric the moment his aunt steeped her foot in the house. Smiling to the little boy, Aurelia bend down slightly to his level and said, "I know, honey. But look I'm here now. We are not going to be late. See, all packing is done, we had our breakfast, we are all dressed. All we need to do now is grab our bags and leave. Besides I had to go to Regulus's seeing as it's Lyra's first day as well. ".

Hearing his nemesis name Cedric was going to show his displeasure but looking at his lovely aunt he soon forgot all his anger and gave her a smile back and nodded in agreement. Aurelia then pulled the little boy in a sweet and long hug, running her hands over his head in a motherly fashion and Cedric just about melted into her. All his nerves, his frustrations went away with each stroke on his head. Too soon for his liking, the hug ended and Aurelia again bent down and fixed his messed up hair and said in her trademark soothing voice, " You don't need to worry about anything. You'll make new friends today and it's just the ride where we won't be there. Afterwards in school you'll have both me and your uncle. See how lucky you are my love. And then you'll get selected into a house which will give you a new family. You'll make so many beautiful memories. ".

Hearing her Cedric couldn't stop himself from asking in a scared and shaking voice, " Wha.. What if.. What if they put me in Slytherin? You are Hufflepuff, Dad was Hufflepuff, mom was Ravenclaw and Ethan was a Gryffindor. What if they put me in the green house? "

This was Cedric's biggest fear. Will his family abandon him if he was put into the dark house. Although he was more than assured that even if it came to that day, his aunt was not going to leave him no matter what but still the boy seemed to need some assurance.

Smiling down at the again nervous boy, Aurelia simply kissed his forehead and said, "If you will get selected into Slytherin then I'll just say Regulus would be buying you the biggest yule gift this year seeing as he was in the same house. Besides have we ever made you think that your family will just abandon you dur to such trivial matter? Ced, family is much above these small things. Nothing, Nothing could make us to leave you. And most certainly not this house nonsense. We love you honey. We'll love you no matter what your tie color is".

Cedric found he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore since they had tears whether it was due to the immense relief he felt or due to the sudden motherly love this aunt was showering on him. He tightly hugged his aunt again and mumbled back I love yous to her multiple times.

This whole emotional scene was very much witnessed by the two other Diggorys ie., Ethan and Amos. It won't be wrong to say that the grownup men too were choked up and tried to send back the tears that formed in their eyes. Suddenly looking at his watch Amos exclaimed, " Ohh it's 10:52. We need to leave soon. Ced go wash up your face. Ethan, Lia you both also grab your trunks. You guys need to report at 11 sharp at Hogwarts as well. Hurry. "

With last moment goodbyes, and see you soon promises, all the 4 people left for their respective destinations ie., Amos and Cedric to the station and Aurelia and Ethan for the school.

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