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Hello there, dear readers, my name is Daciana and this is my little intro and trigger warnings page.

Straight up (not that straight, lol) I just want to say that this story will have swearing, violence, and smut (it's not saturated in it but when I do put *those* scenes in a chapter, I do NOT shy away from graphic descriptions of the, you know, s🍆x. - if you've read my other Jaeyong story you'll get what I mean.

Also, as written in the summary, this story delves into mental health/disorders. Obviously, this is a work of fiction not meant to offend anyone, though if you or someone close to you has schizophrenia, or has spent time in a psychiatric hospital, I hope this story will not be triggering or rehash any trauma - and don't worry, I haven't tried to romanticise or make the subject of suffering "edgy". Though I also tried not to make it too heavy in that area either.

One more thing about the themes, if you did not notice in the tags, "A World Sublime" is sort of an Alice in Wonderland reimagining. Not a retelling, though I have taken characters and plenty of inspiration from the classic.


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Anyway, I hope you enjoy my story >>>

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