🍂 𝐈𝐕 🍂

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𝕵aehyun followed behind in his car, the ambulance's lights blaring through the night. The paramedics had asked him to follow and when they arrived, he stayed at a distance as they rolled the cot to emergency care.

Before cotton candy hair was lifted to the ambulance, he'd come around for a few moments of lucidity, taking in Jaehyun and the paramedics with bleary eyes.

Bringing his eyes back to Jaehyun, Cotton Candy Hair reached up and cupped a shocked Jaehyun's cheek before passing out again.

The paramedics had asked if he wanted to ride in the ambulance, but Jaehyun couldn't just leave the car in the middle of the road, and so after noticing a wallet and phone on the pedestrian island and checking the ID photo to match Cotton Candy's face, he brought it with him and got in the mustang.

It couldn't have been too long that he was sitting in the corridor waiting area that he finally broke and opened the wallet again. It's not that he was snooping, exactly, but he did want to know the stranger's name so he could stop mentally referring to him as Cotton Candy Hair. The first thing he saw in the wallet was the man's visa.

Taeyong, and he was here on an employment authorisation. Twenty-four and originally from Seoul. Jaehyun put the visa back and closed the wallet before being tempted to look at anymore information. It wasn't his business. But...he was Korean.

He must've been fluent then, mused Jaehyun. He didn't speak to his parents often, and his sisters had spent even longer in the U.S. than Jaehyun, and were both were with American guys who didn't speak Korean. He hadn't really kept in touch with anyone back in Seoul, he wanted to contact some friends, but...

He and Dr. Rain sometimes spoke about their birth country and in their native language, though it was more often than not English.

He loved being here in the States, but Jaehyun still missed it sometimes.

A door down the corridor opened and a doctor in a white coat walked towards him

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A door down the corridor opened and a doctor in a white coat walked towards him. Ignoring the uncomfortable flashbacks the outfit conjured, he stood to greet the woman.

"Hello, are you with the young man that was brought in from the hit-and-run?"

"Uh, my name's Jaehyun, and yes, I am. His name's Taeyong." That was incredibly stilted, but Jaehyun was proud of his calm and even delivery, despite his nerves. It wasn't Sky Meadows, but he supposed hospital environments would probably make him uncomfortable for a while. "Is he okay?"

"I'm Dr. Mercer, nice to meet you. And yes. He was very lucky to have only sustained minor abrasions and a concussion. He's been drifting in and out of consiousness, though we've ascertained it's not severe."

"He's resting now," she continued, "though said something whilst we were assessing him." The doctor furrowed her brow as if focusing on something else. "As it was in another language, we didn't recognise what it was, though perhaps you might be able to enlighten us?"

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