🍂 𝐗𝐈 🍂

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𝔑ine-fifty a.m., Saturday morning and Jaehyun stared at the front door like it was a portal to the apocalypse. 

Taeyong would be here in ten minutes. Was he excited to see Taeyong? Yes.

Was he still panicking for no reason other than he was an idiot? Yes.

What if he did something stupid? Jaehyun, you've already acted like an embarrassing idiot and Taeyong hasn't seemed bothered yet. He didn't know if that empowering pep talk was meant to help, but it did take his attention away from the door to appraise his outfit. Jeans, casual lace-up boots, a t-shirt and a slightly ratty leather jacket were fine right? Surely Taeyong would've told him if he needed to dress better for the occasion. 

The doorbell rang.

Praying to whatever or whoever that he wouldn't act like too much of a stuttering dumbass, Jaehyun went over and opened the door, and was caught up in a whirlwind of cotton candy, a fluffy, flower-printed hoodie, and perfume that smelled like vanilla icing.

"Hey Jaehyun," greeted Taeying with a gleaming smile. "I hope it's okay that I'm a little early?"

"No, th-that's okay," said Jaehyun, taking the other in. Taeyong's over-sized hoodie had daisies on it and his baggy jeans were tie-dyed. Jaehyun didn't recognise the characters, but his small cross-shoulder bag had anime things on it and his backward cap had what looked like fox ears. He looked really nice, Jaehyun, completely objectively, noted. 

"I know, I practically look like a different person when I'm not in my hoe get-up," said Taeyong and Jaehyun balked.

"What? No, I-I wasn't staring I just mean it looked cute I me-mean the o-outfit. I mean...you look good, not that you-you don't always good other days—"


Jaehyun shut up.

"I was just gunna say you look hot, but now I feel like I have to up my game a little."

Jaehyun thought he might have phased out of existence for a moment, though Taeyong resumed like he wasn't noticing the likely shade of tomato Jaehyun's face had gone.

"Are you still happy to drive? I'd offer, but I have no licence and no car, and if I stole one I would've crashed it into the beach before making it to your place. The most experience I've had in driving is GTA."

Jaehyun nodded.

"Cool. I promise it's nowhere crazy, but you have to tell me if you're not into it because I don't want to be dragging you around the arcade looking bored."


"Yeah, there's a retro video arcade not far from here. I've always wanted to check it out...with someone else who wants to go as well, of course." Taeyong looked up at him with a small smile playing on his lips...they sort of looked like a pink bow.

Jaehyun realised he was actually waiting for Jaehyun to give a serious answer. "O-okay." An arcade sounded like fun.


They went to a movie first, and after Jaehyun insisted he was fine with whatever, Taeyong ended up choosing a martial arts action movie. Taeyong had been tossing up between that and a romantic comedy, and, even though that wasn't really his thing, Jaehyun realised he would've been happy to watch it with Taeyong.

"Every time I watch a kung fu flick I'm gunna think of you now," remarked Taeyong as they were walking out. He smirked and poked Jaehyun's arm. "I bet you could've done all that."

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