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"𝖀ncle Jae!" excitedly greeted the twins in unison. 

Jaehyun grinned at the four-year-olds as they ran at him and picked them up. "Hey guys, I'm so happy you're here."

The two squealed in delight as Jaehyun spun them around, Deiji smiling behind them in the doorway. 

"Now, I know you two are going to be little angels for your uncle," said Deiji, walking in and up to Jaehyun, who had a wriggling catapillar under each arm.

"Yes mummy," they answered, giggling at their now upside-down position. The preschoolers weren't complaining, and Jaehyun was happy to continue holding them like luggage. "Uncle Jae?" asked Hazel. "Can you tie the surfboard to your mountain bike again and drag us along?"

Jaehyun's eyes went wide, but he put on his best and brightest innocent smile. "We didn't do that," he told his big sister, then shot a secret shush your face glare to the little big mouth.

Deiji only snorted. "Ah, that's why Jasper wants to learn surfing."

Jaehyun admitted nothing. He'd only ridden on the field, but he still looked to Jasper. "Do you want to go to the beach?"

Two pairs of eyes lit up. "Yes!"

Jaehyun put the two down and let them run up to his room. He always set up the spare room, though in all the other times they'd come over these past few months, Hazel and Jasper usually ended up sneaking into his bed somewhere through the night.

"Thanks again JaeJae," she said, stepping back after kissing him on the cheek. "They absolutely love coming here. My cute little baby brother will make a great daddy one day."

Jaehyun groaned at her deliberate babyish tone, but it turned into a grudging smile, and Deiji poked his dimple. "I know this was short notice. I seriously owe you one."

"No you don't. You know I'm always happy to have them here De."

Deiji checked the time on her phone. "I'm lucky to have a brother like you. And on that note, I've gotta go." She then leaned around him to call up the staircase, "Bye babies, mummy has to go now!"

She then looked at Jaehyun again. "Were you serious about taking them to the beach? You don't have to."

Jaehyun shrugged, "It'll be fun."

She called up again, "Have fun at the beach!"

Two pairs of feet hurried down the stairs, and Hazel and Jasper hugged their mum. "Love you mummy," said Hazel.

"See you and daddy tomorrow night," said Jasper.

Deiji bid Jaehyun another goodbye and thanks, before leaving.

Jaehyun knelt at their level. "I'll bring the surfboard?"

Two little ear-to-ear grins were his reply.


When Jaehyun parked at the lot overlooking the beach, rickety wooden rails and gentle grassy slopes were the only things separating the two, he'd managed to get sunscreen on them before Hazel and Jasper ran down to the sparsely populated beach. It was busy enough, but just not crowded this late in the afternoon, thankfully.

Jaehyun spent the next hour building sandcastles, collecting shells and taking the twins out on the surfboard, letting them hold on whilst he rode on the more shallow waves for them. 

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