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So, for reasons, I decided to make a crossover solely with Joonyeong and Woojin from All of Us Are Dead. I just love them too much. I gotta involve them in everything. Lol.

(You don't need to know AoUAD to read this fic, so feel free to read on.)

Fingers curl into ever-dissolving grain. Hair, dripping wet. Clothes, threadbare.

His limbs manage to drag forward. Then, they give out. He falls face-first. The sharp granules of sand, dented against his cheek, cling like a glove. Sandpapery texture cakes the rest of his body. His eyes close.

Darkness consumes him.

He lives only by the grace of civilization. A concussion is identified, not to mention the severe emaciation he has undergone. Doctors estimate he has been out at sea for a week at most, maybe less. As they could not identify him, they could not reach out to his emergency contact. Debris some one or two hundred feet from shore indicate that he is a plane crash survivor. Police have yet to identify the flight number, but they will get more information soon.

They have induced him into a coma and hooked him to a feeding tube. Once he naturally wakes up, they will be able to ask him about his personal information so they can identify him.

A week later, he is overcome with amnesia.

He cannot recall anything besides the year, which he correctly cites as 2001. Otherwise, he is unable to identify his father, his mother, or any siblings he might have. A small problem arises, for his hospital bill cannot be paid for if they do not know who to charge. In the end, however, this problem is solved because an old woman—the same woman who brought him to the hospital—agrees to pay his bill in full. She also insists on taking him home.

His doctors are reluctant to let him go. So, they convince her to let one of the less-busy doctors—Dr. Oh—take care of him instead. She agrees, and she leaves. They never see her again.

Dr. Oh, meanwhile, has a momentous task on his hands. He quietly takes the patient home, settles him into a room, and goes to do some other household work. He hopes his patient won't mind his daughter.

He also hopes he won't mind the other man in the house.

Dr. Oh sets a simple rule for his patient: don't wander off somewhere without letting him know first.

The man towers over him, but he shows no aggression. He nods obediently, murmuring a quiet, "Thank you," for taking him in. He specifies that he can't go anywhere, anyways. It's not safe without a phone.

With this confirmation, Dr. Oh feels more at ease about leaving the house. He briefly checks on his sleeping family members. Then, before heading to the hospital, he writes a note warning his partner about the temporary visitor. He doesn't remind him to treat their guest well and to help him with anything he needs.

His partner will do that anyways.

When he returns home, he's met with a pleasant welcome.

His partner greets him first with a hug and a half-hidden kiss. Then, he guides him to the living room, where his daughter and patient sit, content. A camera sits in his patient's lap.

"Joonyeong-ah," whispers his partner. "Your patient has a talent of the highest order."

Dr. Oh asks his patient to give him the camera, and he does so without hesitance.

Inside are the most beautiful photos of his family he's ever seen.

His eyes well with tears.

For my own sanity, chapters will be limited to 550 words.

Be prepared for lots of chapters coming your way. :)

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