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I couldn't help but take a whiff of the warm roasted coffee and incense that filled my counselor's office

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I couldn't help but take a whiff of the warm roasted coffee and incense that filled my counselor's office. "Good morning Mrs. Gomez."

"Good morning, Leone." She looks up and immediately greets me with a bright smile that didn't take long to fade once she got a closer look at my face. "Oh no, what happened here?" She asks while using a finger to gesture towards the bridge of my nose.

"Oh um-" My mind blanked out for an excuse. I looked down to use my curls to shield over the scar my father gave me. "I fell on the walk home a couple days ago."

Her lips pursed as it seemed hard for her not to succumb into pity. "Aw I'm sorry to hear about that, would you care for a bandaid?" She pulled out two bandaids that had tiny Hello Kitty characters plastered over it.

"S-Sure, thanks." I reached out and did a tiny smile at them before shoving them inside my backpack.

"Of course." She nods and leans back against her chair. "So it's been a week since we've last met, how've you been?"

The thought of my father and how he reacted to my drawing last week went across my mind, sending a heavy looming ache to emit in my stomach.

"I've been good." My response came out more as an uncontrollable whimper. "I-I did what you told me."

Her eyebrows raised. "And what's that?"

"I tried talking to the boy."

She tilts her head and smiles the second she remembers who I was alluding to. "How did it go?"

"I don't know, it was kinda awkward to be honest." I steadily looked down at my shoes hovering over the shiny floor. "I don't think he's interested in talking to me."

She furrows her brows down just a little bit. "What makes you say that?"

I shrugged. "Well we just stared at each other and he had this look on his face."

"What was his face like?"

"Handsome." I unconsciously blurted out as my cheeks rapidly burned at how sudden my response was.

"Handsome?" She repeats in an expressive tone that was enough to fuel my nerves.

My cheeks quickly flushed red. "Handsome as in-you know, since you asked what his face was like-" I began to go on a nervous ramble that only seemed to make her much more entertained. "What I meant to say is that he has a handsome face but his facial expression was dirty."

"Dirty." She repeated once more as I just realized how odd that sounded, sending me further into a crippling ball of angst.

"Dirty as in like a dirty look at me-like he looked at me like he thought I was weird, you know?" I sank down at my seat with a lowered voice. "I'm sorry if I'm not making any sense."

"It's alright Leone, I know what you meant." She does a small tiny laugh at my ramble as if I was some adorable puppy that was able to walk on it's hind feet. "Now besides a dirty look, where there any other clear markers of him being closed off towards you?"

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