𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐞 [𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝐧𝐜𝐭]

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haechan x fem¡reader


I tried, but I've had enough.

A loud shriek rings through the atmosphere, Mark jogging up behind me to catch up. "Y/n, just calm down-"

"Calm ? Mark, I have been calm," I'm seething, my chest heaving with an emotion I wish never existed in life – it fucking wrecks my self-confidence.

"Y/n come on, what if he's just doing it on purpose ?" Mark tries, holding his hands up as if it'd stop me from breaking something.

"That's even worse don't you think !" I ask sarcastically, my eyes wide like a crazy person.

"Lee Donghyuck," I pace the garden behind the house, nothing but pure fury and jealousy swarming like wildfire inside. "You asshole."


"So this is how it works ?" I suddenly spin around to face Mark, making him stumble back slightly in shock. "I muster up the courage to confess my feelings, he kisses me and tells me he feels the same, and then a couple days later he's flirting with every girl that walks by !?"

"Okay wait y/n-"

"This was supposed to be a chill day selling some good lemonade because Seoul is unbelievably hot this time around but Mr Flirtatious had to switch it up and turn our cute quint lemonade stand into Cupids Love Bar !"

"Hey y/n can-"

"Not not Jae !" my brother stops mid-stride on the patio as he squints at Mark and I.

His calm expression doesn't change at my heated demeanor, and he just nods slowly. "Okay it's just, why'd you guys leave Shotaro alone out front ?"

Both mine and Mark's eyes widen, and we share a look of concern and confusion. Donghyuck is supposed to be with him ?  That's when a snare pulls at my lips, my jaw clenching at the thought of Hyuck potentially dipping with some girl that stopped by.

Mark and Jaehyun notice my expression, and while my brother looks a little freaked out, Mark went into full mom mode. "What the- whatever, y/n chill here and calm down okay ?"

He didn't have to tell me twice – Mark sprints back inside the house, and Jaehyun just shakes his head with a chuckle before heading back inside.

Letting out a loud groan while throwing my fits up in the air, I resort to sinking into a comfy lounge chair. Despite being under an umbrella, the sun rays still hurt my eyes, and so I pulled the front of by baseball hat down further, the accessory fully covering mg eyes now.

For a while I sat with my eyes shut in silence, the anger subsiding, and being replaced by uncertainty – which wasn't any better honestly. The day we kissed and he told me he felt the same, I was so sure it was the beginning of something really good; I didn't mind us not immediately jumping into a labeled relationship, but what Hyuck's been doing today has me questioning whether he was being sincere all those other days we hung out together.

All the compliments, kisses, hugs, and smiles – were they real ?

My thoughts halt when I feel a presence near me, but i don't react as I thought it was just Jaehyun returning to either tease me or ask me what was wrong.

"You're really something y/n,"

However that voice, definitely didn't belong to my brother.

My fingers twitch a little as I feel him take a seat in front of me, his presence a lot stronger and closer now.

I didn't move.

He sighs. "Baby, look at me please."

I wanted to flush my heart down the toilet when is jumps at this nickname – I continue to stay still however.

He huffs, before I feel a pair of hands wrap around my wrists, and pulling me up into a sitting position. With a single finger he hooks under my hat, pushing it up to reveal my deadly glare.

He chuckles. "Even with a scary look like that, you're still the most prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Letting out a scoff, I roll my eyes.

"You've been busy lately you know," he says, and my brows furrow at the randomness of his statement. I stay quite, waiting for some context. "Mid-terms have been stealing all your attention, and you've thrown yourself into those thick medical  textbooks of yours,"

He wasn't wrong, I've been pretty busy with studying lately; but what was wrong with that ? Being a second year med student is no joke.

"What exactly is your point here Donghyuck ?"

He suddenly frowns, and the sight pokes sorely at my heart. Maybe my tone was a little harsher than intended...

"When last have we FaceTimed y/n ? When was the last time I came over and spent the weekend ? When was the last time we grabbed a simple coffee or lunch together ?"

At first I wanted to roll my eyes, but slowly my brain started to hear him – and the truth was, he was right; it had been maybe a month since we genuinely hung out...

I wanted to kick myself for not even noticing.

"The reason I haven't made things official yet y/n, is because I have the same fears as you," my face falls as his gaze is intense, and I could see the raw emotion swirling in them. "I'm afraid that your emotions aren't real enough to want to be with me. I'm afraid that we'll last a month before you're too busy for me. I'm afraid I won't do enough to satisfy you."

I drop my head, looking down at my hands that sat in my lap, the guilt creeping over me like a rough blanket.

"Is that why you did what you did today ?"

"Yes," I lift my head just enough to see his face. "I desperately just wanted to see if you would even react, if you even actually liked me like I like you."

I nod slowly, my fingers fiddling together now. "Well, you got your answer."

I was glad to hear hum chuckle, and even more so when he slides his hand into my lap to intertwine with one of mine. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry for acting the way I did y/n, and I swear all I see, think about, and truly want, is you."

My grip tighens in his as I look up at him. "I really, really, like you Hyuck-ah. I'm sorry I've been unintentionally ghosting you."

I suddenly had an idea, and pulled out my phone as I scooted closer so my side was flush against his. He grins, and pats my legs so I can throw them over his. Opening up my phone and going into my schedule planner, I hold the phone so he could see as well.

"This is my planner. How's about you sleep over this weekend, and we redo it ? I think it'll be good, because even Jaehyun has been worried sick about me skipping meals and pulling all nighters to-"

"You've been skipping meals ?" Donghyuck's face was suddenly serious now. He rips my phone away and instantly clears the schedule.

"Starting tonight we're gonna redo your planner properly. It's going to have ample amount of study time, rest and leisure time, and Lee Donghyuck time," he looks back at me now with a smile. "Because your boyfriend craves attention and affection from his girl."

Grinning, I prop my chin on his shoulder. "And your girl will smother you with both, while getting that second-year degree." I wink.

Donghyuck smirks, his eyes glued to my lips now. "I really am crazy over you y/n, because that sounded so hot."

He leans down, planting his lips firmly against mine.

𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now