Chapter 32

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3rd POV
"Did you think that I wouldn't get to you? When I want something, I get it." "Michael leave now!" "Oh but why, are expecting your little husband to come and save you?" "I don't need him to save me." "Oh but you might, you just might beg for him to save you." Gianna pulled out her gun at that moment and pointed it at Michael. "If you do not get out, I'll shoot you my damn self!" He just looked at her and smiled. It seemed like he thought that she was a joke. Boy was he sadly mistaken.

"My beautiful Gigi, put the gun down before you hurt yourself." "Don't tell me what to do you creep! Now get the fuck out!" Michael got up and took one step towards her and she let off a shot that went right passed him. He stopped and looked surprised. He didn't actually think that she would shoot the gun. She looked so powerful, sexy actually with it in her hand. "We'll look at you. Maybe I was wrong about you, you will use it. Although, you need to work on your aim." She just laughed at him. It was a deep laugh, actually a little bit dark. "I missed on purpose, but if you come near me again, I promise I won't miss." She threatened.

"Now now, that's no way to act. Let's just sit and talk for a while." At that time, she reached for her phone that was in her purse and pulled it out, as she went to call her dad, Michael decided in that moment to try and grab the gun from her. As a fight started out, her dad had connected the phone at that point and time. As he said "hello" all he could hear was his daughter yelling and the sounds of glass breaking. He hopped up out the bed and grabbed his other phone and called his son. As he waited him for to answer, he threw on some clothes and shoes and grabbed his guns and was out the door in less than 10 minutes. He heard his daughter say "Michael get off of me!" And he sped towards her house. His son had connected the phone at that time and he let him know what was going on and that was all she wrote. When he arrived to his daughters house, he hopped out his truck and pulled out his gun. He took the safety off and made his way towards the house.

When he walked in, he seen the mess everywhere. He searched all over and didn't see anyone. When he went upstairs, he called out for his daughter, but didn't hear or see her. As he made his way back downstairs, his son David had walked in at the time. "Dad? What's going on?" His dad said the words he never wanted to hear. "Your sister, she's been taken." As he said those words, it hit him hard. Both of them actually. It's bad enough that Michael's mafia is crazy, but now; he done fucked with Don DeLuca. They went back his house and called Joe. When he answered, they told him to get over there right away. About 15 minutes later, he was knocking on his moms door. Once he came and sat down, they told him what happened and let's just say; Joey owes his mom a new table. They explained to him what happened and all they could ask was, where were the guards and where the entire fuck is Elijah? David pulled out his phone and tried to contact him; when he picked up, all you heard was "Aye man! Where the fuck are you?" "Yeah yeah, fuck all of that! You need to get here to my dads house now!" "Why! You're asking me why!" "You wanna know why!" "When's the last time you talked to my sister?" "What do you mean you haven't. You left and haven't talked to her since you left?" "No wonder why this happened!" "Michael got my fucking sister! And your ass hasn't even checked on her in almost 2 weeks!" "Maybe you should just stay away like you've been doing!" When David hung up the phone, he took a swig of his glass of whiskey he had. "2 weeks! He hasn't checked on the kids or her in 2 weeks! Isn't that some shit!"

They all sat there quiet then David's phone dinged with an incoming message. When he clicked on it, it was a video. As he watched it, he dropped his phone in disgust. After his dad and brother watched it, they all dropped it in disgust. What was on the phone you ask? It was a video of Gia beaten and tied up. She was bloody and bruised and her dress she wore was ripped. She looked a mess, but the look in her eyes; it wasn't fear, it was determination. Another text came in and it said, "give up the throne and maybe you can have her back when I'm done with her." They say there for a moment, then they jumped up and got to work to try and track them down. They figured that he had to be heading out the country, because he wouldn't dare stay here in the states.

They called their family out in Italy and let them know what was going on. They called their pilot to let him know to have the plan fueled and ready for them to get to Italy. They knew that that's where he had to be heading. That's where the rest of his mafia is. Senior went to let his wife know what was going on and told her to take care of the boys until he gets back with Gigi. She told him that they all better come back in one piece or there'll be hell to pay. They grabbed everything they needed and sped off towards the hangar, where the plane was waiting on them.

It's getting intense now!!!
Do you think Gianna will be saved?
Will she forgive Elijah?
Will her family forgive him?
Stay tuned for the next couple of chapter!
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