Chapter 37

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A couple weeks has went by since me finding out that I'm pregnant. I actually have a doctors appointment today, so I can see how far along I am. The hospital had told me that I was about 2 months. Elijah is actually supposed to be picking me up and taking me to my appointment. I looked at the time and seen that I need to get ready. I began putting on my pants. Well more like I tried to put my pants on. I'm beginning to get a little big for my jeans, which makes me sad. Like come on. I changed my outfit into some Nike joggers and a black crop top. Thank goodness that my stomach is still small so you can't tell that I'm pregnant. I haven't even told my family that I'm pregnant yet. I want to surprise them, but at the same time, I'm kinda scared to tell them. They definitely aren't the biggest fan of Elijah right now. And now we're about to have a second child together. Only time will tell how it will go.

About 15 minutes later, Elijah got here and I got in the car and he pulled off. We made light conversation, but it was still strained. I wish that things can go back to the way they were. Like did he have to cheat? And even if he don't remember, he did something with that girl. And she wasn't just any female, it was someone he knows back in Italy. I was so into my thoughts, I didn't realize that my name was being called. I jumped when I felt him touch me. He looked at me confused, but sadly. I tried to apologize, but he just got out the car and came to my side and opened the door for me. I just sighed and got out the car. We walked silently into the doctors office and I signed myself in. The tension was so thick that you could feel it. When I was called, we got up and walked into the room.

I got up onto the table and let the nurse check my vital signs. After she was done, she told me that the doctor will be in a few. I was just kept looking at Elijah, and he was looking uninterested. That made me sad, because I would've thought he'd seem more interested, but I guess not. As I was scrolling on my phone, I heard him say "man, when is this fucking doctor coming in? I'm ready to go." That shit pissed me off. We had only been here for less than 20 minutes and he's already ready to leave. I decided to just be quiet. As I continued to text and look at baby stuff, my phone dinged and it was from Lexi and the girls. They wanted to know if I wanted to go out with them this weekend, I agreed because I needed a day out. Obviously I can't drink, but I'll still go out and have fun. I guess the doctor was taking too long for Elijah still, because then he said, "I'm about to go find this doctor, like why the fuck are we waiting like this? For all of this, I could've been doing something else." I was sick of his attitude and I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned and looked at him and said, "listen if you don't want to be here, you don't have to be here. I've done this before by myself once, I'm sure I can do this again. So if you want to leave, be my guest." He just looked at me, stood up and walked out. I didn't care. I sat there and waited patiently for the doctor.

About an hour later, I found out I was 3 months and one week pregnant. She told me that so far my baby looked healthy, but with my heart rate being high and my blood pressure being up, he wants me to take it easy. Of we talked about the dos and don'ts. The risk of my blood pressure being elevated. I told him that I promise to work on it and that if I feel like I'm under any type of stress that I'd remove myself from the area. Once I left, I went to the desk and scheduled my next appointment and went to head outside. When I seen that he had really left, I ordered me an Uber and waited until it got there. About 45 minutes later, I made it home and I got right in the car so I can pick the boys up from school. As I was heading to the school, my phone started ringing. When I looked it was Michael. I talked to him until I made it to the school and I waited for the boys. They came out and once they got in the car, we headed for my house. I got home and we decided that we'd put the Christmas tree up and start decorating for the holiday. As we had fun decorating, the doorbell rang. When I went to answer it, it was Michael standing there. I invited him in and he helped us decorate around the house.

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