December 2, 2022 - The Freeze Begins

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Last night, I could've sworn I heard an explosion. I guess it was just a dream, but that couldn't be possible, because the only dream I had last night was me getting promoted by the Fat Controller. The explosion happened right when he said, "You are a really useful engine driver." But I didn't visualize an explosion. Everyone just cheered. When I poked my head out the window, it was freezing. Absolutely freezing. I quickly woke up Aaron. While he was getting ready, I broke out all of my clothes. Sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, pants, big socks, small socks, my grandpa's winter cap, even my wife's maternity dresses she left behind when we divorced. Aaron laughed and said I looked like a giant snowball. He was dressed in normal gear, so I told him that it wouldn't be my fault if he got frostbite. I was starting to sweat, though, and I thought I would get heatstroke. But I felt better when I got outside. Or at least for a few minutes, when the sweat freezed and I got a splitting headache.

Over at the station, I was shocked to see something. Neville was gone! Over in the sidings, there was a truck full of supplies and a coach full of survivors. The survivors explained that they had heard an explosion too. Then they heard an engine puffing. I assumed it was Rebecca or Nia, as they were both gone. But I refuse to believe that Neville is dead. We found a pump trolley and attached it to the coach and freight car. Then me and Aaron pumped it out of the station. While passing Maron, we saw Diesel rush by with what looked like two branch line coaches, Henrietta, a fuel tanker, and a truck full of supplies. It was hard work pumping the trolley up Gordon's Hill. Some of the survivors had to help pump it, and we even used a hammer. Don't ask me why. It was even more troubling going down the hill. Aaron seemed to enjoy it, probably because of roller coasters. I slammed on one of the pumps, and the train came to a stop, just before the platform at Wellsworth. In the yard was Wilbert, with a bandage on his nose. He said he had gone to sleep and the next morning, it was cold.

At night, the survivors decided to throw a party in an apartment room at Wellsworth. I got in on the action, but I just took a chair, and sat at the side. All the food there was for adults, so I found a can of Sprite and gave it to Aaron, who I told to sit next to me. I cried for the rest of the evening and into the night, because I need to find my engine, and I don't care what happens.

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