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───── ❝ HER ❞ ─────

You have to save her, Takemichi




Takemichi woke up with a scream, waving his arms around everywhere. Sweat was dripping down from his forehead as he looked around at his surroundings. Tears were falling from his eyes when he realized where he was.

"Takemichi-kun!" The now raven-haired boy glared at the voice coming towards him.

It took Takemichi every ounce of will within him to not tackle the boy to the ground, "What were you doing there, Naoto?!"

Tachibana Naota raised a brow at the older man in front of him, "What are you talking about?"

Takemichi pouted and explained his whole fiasco to Naoto, only to get a hit on the head from the police officer. After getting another lecture from Naoto about his time travelling abilities, Takemichi took this as his moment to tell him about his findings.

"A-anyways, Mikey may be a delinquent but he's a really good guy!" Takemichi tried to reason.

"What? So you didn't kill him?"

Takemichi took a step back. "K-kill...?"

Naoto glared at the man in front of him. "You're saying that the guy who killed my sister is a good person?! Did he put one over you in the past?!

"No, he didn't!"

"That 'Mikey' you talk about from the past is no longer the same one now." Naoto told him, "This Mikey is so involved in various crimes and that not even the police can handle him!" With a hand to his chest, Naoto glared down at the ground. "If I could... I would kill him with my own two hands."

Takemichi held his breath as he watched Naoto. With a sigh, he walked over to the couch and sat down. "I want to talk to Mikey-kun..."

"Are you crazy? It's too dangerous!"

"Mikey-kun is someone we can trust." The ravenette stated with a shake of his head, "I want to hear it from Mikey-kun himself why Toman had changed..." With a determined glint in his eye, Takemichi locked eyes with Naoto. "Help me find Mikey-kun, Naoto."

Naoto looked down at the older male in front of him before letting out a sigh, "Alright, fine..." Before making his way to the computer, he sent a soft smile towards Takemichi's way, "I don't know what happened in the past but you've matured a lot, Takemichi-kun. You're no longer weak."

Oh Takemichi let this get to his head. "Wait, did you just call me cool? Does that mean I'm cool now? Hey, hey-"

"Anyways, time to get to work."


An hour has passed and still Naoto and Takemichi have yet to find anything to help them. Takemichi groaned and leaned back on the couch, stretching his arms overhead. "Agh, I'm getting tired of this!"

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