Memories (Sophie and Tam)

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A memory started to form but something shattered it. Two more shared the same fate. I felt lips on my forehead and I smiled but then all too soon the lips disappeared and my smile did too. I felt the warmth again and it brought a memory but before it drifted over so I could see it,it shattered.I heard screaming. I felt myself being moved for Tam so I moved closer to Tam. When a memory of Tam flouted to the surface, I rapped my concentration around it and it did not shatter ,but when I did the same to a different memory, it did shatter.Now I feel a bed under me. I hear Tam's heartbeat.Then I opened my eyes. The light was bright. I moved the light to mine snd Tam bodies and the light was warm and someone put shadows on it cooling it. Though I was confused, I still snuggled and scooted my body closer to Tam and for the first time in a long time, I slept peacefuly


I woke up in the healing center.I felt Sophie waking up so I tried to move the to move to a more comfortable spot. Then the lights went out, I looked a Elwin and he was panicking and then I felt a warmth.I looked at Sophie and she had a tired face so I assom it was her.I put shadows and then I felt Sophie's body scooted closer to mine so I put my head on her head and fell ing a deep sleep for the first time in a long time.

Sorry again I feel like to shipest thing is to have them sleep together and like pass out and I am so mad because there is so few of those times in the books

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