The memories (Tam)

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We were walking to Calla's Panakes tree hand in hand when Sophie's hand fell. I looked down to see Sophie in a ball on the ground

Tam: Are you ok?

Sophie: The memories, they're too strong 

I picked up Sophie and at that point, she was already asleep. I kissed her on the forehead before I knew what I was doing. I hoped it was fine and it was. Her mouth was in a smile but it did not last long.  I need to get her to Elwin. I held up the Healing Center Hallway crystal but I felt a small breeze, but I shrugged it off rapping my concentration around me and Sophie and stepped into the light. We arrived at the Healing Center hallway and I burst into the Healing Center. I felt a little light-headed, but I shrugged it off.

Tam: We went to Calla's Panake tree and she said that the memories were too strong and-

I fell. Hitting my head on the way down, my head hurt, and the last thing I heard was screaming before nothing but the warmth of Sophie.

I know that it was short but I wrote this in school with two other chapters so three updates in one day make up for it.

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