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She could see Jiwoo taking quite serious what she said. She printed out hundreds of posters and put them everywhere to find a witness that could help find the killer.

The reward would be 5 million won.

Shijin wasn't sure where the actual hell Jiwoo got 5 million won from but that wasn't important. Important was that Jiwoo was going to kill herself while trying to find something that no one believed was even there.

She knew she could do nothing but watch her little sister get herself in danger more and more. She already tried to talk this idea out of Jiwoo but once again, she was shown how related they were to each other.

Jiwoo was really stubborn as hell.

Shijin wasn't even surprised to see Jiwoo always sitting beside the phone, waiting for someone to call them and tell her that he or she got a clue on who that guy was. Shijin never thought that one day, someone would actually call.

Until the phone suddenly rang, Jiwoo picking it up only to end the call like two minutes later. Without a word, Jiwoo began rummaging around their apartment, getting a carpet knife (only for safety of course) and the 5 million won and went to that place the guy on the phone told her to go to.

If Shijin would have been there that day, Jiwoo would have gotten her ass kicked for believing a stranger and getting herself almost killed. Shijin was at work that day and when she came home, Jiwoo wasn't there. She tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up.

Shijin knew she had done something stupid. That thought only got more obvious when suddenly, a group of men where standing in front of her door, all of them in fancy suits.

Before she could even realize, they had pulled her into a car in front of the apartment building. While they drove to God knows where, Shijin didn't dare to say a word.

Smart people knew when it's best to stay quiet.

After driving quite a while, the car finally came to a stop. The men, that were on both her sides, got out of the car and held the doors open for her to step out. She quickly bowed to them as a silent thank you before she turned to see her surroundings.

Her eyes stopped when she saw two people. A male and a female. The male being Choi Mujin and the female being her sister Jiwoo. As she got closer, she could recognize Jiwoo's bruises.

Faster than she intended to, she stood beside her, grabbing her face in between her hands. She wanted to say something like 'That must hurt. Are you okay?' or 'Who did this to you?'.

But instead, her brilliant mind decided to say:

"I told you this wasn't a good idea. Why do you never listen to me?"

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