Chapter 5

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Expectations can be quite the downer sometimes. When you expected something and then proceeded to receive something else. That's exactly what happened with Snufkin. He hoped to get more clues from Star but all he got were more riddles.

"Once upon a time, there was a little prince who lived in a planet scarcely bigger than himself." That's what Star talked about when asked about B612. The home of a little blonde prince who takes care of a rose and tends to his volcanoes. Right, getting information about Star and her reality is proving difficult than he thought.

Snufkin is not one to worry about it though, perhaps Star had her reasons as to why she always talks about planets and flying whales. He could hear laughter rang out loud behind him as he fished. Moomin had just arrived and offered to play tag with Star.

Despite her appearance, Snufkin can see that she's quite a fast runner. Almost managing to catch up to Little My for a tag.

Moomin had a pleasant surprise when he saw just how much of a fast runner Star is. She tagged nearly everyone with ease. Sniff was the first to get caught. Then Snorkmaiden, then Moomin and then the last one being Little My.

"I win!" Star declared before letting go of Little My.

"Boy you really are a fast runner Star. I'm exhausted." Snorkmaiden agreed with Moomin "I know right, I can barely stand up now."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry about that." Star looked genuinely guilty but rest assured that Moomin told her that everything is alright and that she didn't need to be sorry about it. They soon moved on to the next game. This time a game of hide and seek. Snorkmaiden went to go count while Moomin went with Star to hide.

"In here quickly." Moomin and Star stumbled upon small cave where they both entered to hide in. With bated breaths they waited to be found. In the meantime, Moomin would like to get to know Star.

"So where exactly are you from Star? Is it pretty there."

Needless to say, Moomin got the same answer as Snufkin. A story about a planet nearby another asteroid named B612. Where the place is so small that you can watch endless magic hour times. Moomin didn't know what to do with the information he has received and when he went to go talk to Snufkin about it, he hit a dead end. What he did find interesting though was how Snufkin described them as riddles.

"At least that's how I see it Moomin." Snufkin reeled in another fish he had caught.

"She's quite an odd girl." Moomin comments.

Snufkin once again found himself within Star's company. Playing a calming melody that rings throughout the luscious green Valley. The one who started the song was Star, playing a tune that Snufkin is not quite familiar with. He however, caught on really quickly. And soon they were playing a duet.

While Star and Snufkin make the melody Moomin and Snorkmaiden took a liking to dancing to the beat. Little My seems to be enjoying herself in the dance too. Sniff on the other hand, would prefer to eat the nuts and berries he had gotten from Moomin Mama. A routine would be established from there. Every morning Snufkin and Star would play a duet. It didn't matter who started first, just so long as they can follow each other's rhythm, there is nothing they cannot do.

Aside from Star's strange riddles that is. Snufkin still hasn't figured out what she had meant about an asteroid and a flying whale. Nor can he find out why Star repeatedly talk about them like it's the full honest truth. And even if it is true how can that be possible?

How can a little prince live in a planet that's scarcely bigger than himself? Let alone the fact that the boy probably had no food or water. The same logic could be applied to Star. How can she live in an asteroid next to the little prince? And if she did live there, how did she survive by herself up there in the stars?

This all just sound like a fairytale. One you tell to little children to help them sleep during those long nights. There has to be a reason she's saying all of this. And Snufkin will get to the bottom of it. Besides, he loves a good mystery once in awhile.

The whistle in the duet came to a sudden halt, prompting Snufkin to stop as well "Star? Why did you stop?"

Star didn't say anything at first, but she does slowly face Snufkin with an unreadable resigned face.

"You don't believe me do you?"

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