prologue (Mr. Forkle)

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"Mr. Forkle," an Icy voice said behind me 

"Squall, not now I am working"I called out without looking back 

"I am not Squall," the voice said even closer 

"Ok then Wraith," I said still not looking back 

"Not him ether" I could feel the warmth of their breath on my neck

"Ok, who are you then?"I challenged looking back and saw 

"Who or what are you?" I said to the person. She had green skin with a long pointy nose. She had a lot of warts.

"Simple a witch and I want to bless your little moonlark I can make her invincible but with a cost and that is when she is knocked out for the 100th time because she has hit her head she will be put in a deep trance and only when the love of the life kisses her she will wake. If it is someone she hates then she will wake for a few seconds but only to see her throw up. If the love of her life holds her hand then her eyes will flutter, if he speaks to her, her mouth will part. You got it?" 

"Y-ye-yes I understand" I stutter

"Oh before I forget, if she hits her head hard enough she will forget everything but her name and her lover's name and he will carry her to heal but after that they are inseparable. "

"Ok," I said surprised 

"And now I must go" and before I can say a thing she left.

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