Chapter 1

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Time is of the essence for Snufkin right now. Not only is the sun starting to set over the horizon, but he's also nowhere near Moomin Valley. Missing the first day of spring. It's quite alright though, it won't be the end of the world if he missed a few days. Moomin will have to wait a little longer though, no matter, he trust that his friends would understand. Snufkin's walk eventually lead him to a clearing. A sight and land perfect for camping.

Snufkin set aside his bag and got ready to build a tent. Once he finishes that, he got ready to set the campfire. Bringing warmth to an otherwise cold night and fueling heat to cook his food. Today's menu would be a fish that he had caught that afternoon.

He cooked like he normally would and after he had his dinner, that's when he will turn in for the night take his rest. Ready build back his energy for the next day.

At least that was the plan. Snufkin didn't knew what he had heard it, he just knew he did. A melody of a flute was carried in the night wind. Putting to sleep an otherwise restless Snufkin. And when he woke up, the music would be gone as if it were never there.

Still, it didn't stop Snufkin from packing his items with a hop, skip and jump! What stopped him came after he was done packing and was ready to leave. From there he had seen her. For the very first time.

"If you please, tell me where Moomin Valley is?" It was little girl maybe around Snufkin's age at best. Wearing a white summer dress that reached down to her knees. When a mystery is too overpowering, one does not disobey.

Snufkin was a little surprised. It didn't seem like the little girl is a traveler like Snufkin. Keep in mind he's in the middle of a clearing with no houses to be seen from a mile away. What would a girl like her be doing here?

"If you please, tell me where Moomin Valley is?" She repeated as if Snufkin wasn't paying attention the first time. To which in all fairness, he wasn't at all. For he was too hung up on trying to understand where this girl had come from. Nevertheless Snufkin gave answer.

"Moomin Valley? I'm actually heading there myself. Would you like to join me in my travel there?" As much as Snufkin loves to lend a helping hand, he's quite content and much rather prefers to travel alone. It's just in his nature to be alone. The girl still needed his help though, and he hopes that her company wouldn't be too bothersome.

"Are you sure you'd want to?" Snufkin took note of how perceptive and considerate the girl is being. And as much as he wanted to say no, he merely smiles and said "Of course, we're heading the same direction anyways."

"Then I shall accompany you then." The girl says.

Snufkin smiles "Brilliant. I'm Snufkin by the way."

The girl bows her head "I'm (Y/n) but you can call me Star."

The two shook a courteous hand shake before heading off to the direction of Moomin Valley. Star was silent throughout the journey and mostly prefers to play with her instrument of choice. A nice little tin whistle that sings out a familiar lullaby to Snufkin. No doubt about it, Star was the one playing the lullaby he had heard past night.

He didn't comment on it though, instead choosing to compliment Star for her skills.

"You play beautifully." Snufkin simply said. This made Star stop for a moment.

"Oh, thank you. . ." Star meekly said before going to playing her tune. Quite a shy girl then, oh well. Everyone has their different levels of confidence and it doesn't make them bad, it just means they have something to work on if they want to gain the strength of confidence.

The tune of Star's tin whistle was getting more and more beautiful and with a melody like that, Snufkin can't help but play his own harmonica. Syncing together with the tin whistle with harmony that's carried of to the spring breeze.

And that's how Snufkin became aquatinted with the little star. In duet of whistles of tin and humming harmonicas.

What a fine way to learn about each other without using words. Words. . . The source of misunderstandings.

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