Chapter 8: Ron.

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"I kinda miss him...." Ron sits against a rock to take a break, "He kinda..cute in a way...." Ron thinks, "Before this whole thing he was....adorable...." he smiles to himself, "And then he grow up when he got....infected...." Ron frowns, "Still....he was caring...." Ron thinks about the adorableness of the old Dipsy with the body of the new one, "How can someone be so cute....and hot at the same time!?" Ron covers his face and sighed, "Oh god. What is wrong with me!? Infected are not even supposed to have feelings let alone feel love! Plus I'm probably not even going to see him again. Ahhhh!!" Ron layed down and looked up at the sky, "Oh god...." he layed there for 2 minutes before sitting up again, "Well I might as while keep going. I'm not going to find shelter if I keep sitting here." Ron stands up and keeps walking before being abruptly cut off by loud and heavy footsteps coming in his direction. Ron looks behind him and sees something coming, something big, something purple, something jacked, "No. Oh no!" Ron starts running as fast as he could, but as soon as the big purple thing sees him it starts running after him and it was fast. Ron tried to run faster but the purple thing was faster and it caught up and grabbed him.

"Ahhhhh!! No no! Please!!" The purple thing brings him up to his horribly scratched-up face. Ron starts shaking and tearing up, "Please!! Please don't kill me!!" The purple thing just snarls and starts squishing. Ron could feel as his body closes in on itself and he closes his eyes trying to get ready for a painful death. As the big hand closes more around him, Ron was expecting to hear whatever happened after death or even nothing at all. And he did hear something, but it was not god, or pear silents, no, it was a familiar child-ish voice, saying, "Ron!! We found you!!" Ron opened one eye before opening both, "Dipsy?" "Hello! Hehehe~" Ron felt a faint smile creep ln to his face, "Dipsy!" "Hehehe~" The purple thing looked at him and sighed before putting him down. Dipsy climes off of it and hugs Ron, "O-Oh!" Ron awkwardly hugged back, "Hey Dipsy...." "Hehehe~ Hello! I missed you!!" " too." He looked back at the big purple thing. It looked upset in a way, but just sighed.

"Um....Dipsy who is that?" "Hm?" Ron points to the purple thing, "Oh that's my older brother! Tinky Winky!! Hehe~" Dipsy runs over to Tinky Winky and hugs his leg. Tinky Winky smiled and patted him with a finger before saying, "So this is your friend?" "Yeah!" He runs back over to Ron, "He's the best!" Ron goes red but is also confused, 'How would he know that he doesn't know me that well and why is he acting more like how he acted before....' he thinks, "Hehe~" Dipsy hugs Ron tightly and jumps, "Come on! We going back!" "Wait what?" "You're coming with us!" "O-Oh." Dipsy grabs Ron's hand and walks back to Tinky Winky and they climb on his back. Tinky Winky then walks back, "Now that we have you, Mr.Ron....we need you to answer some questions." "R-Right....of course...." Ron starts sweating in fear, till he felt two arms wrap around him, it was Dipsy's. Ron feels better and hugs back, 'Thanks Dip.' Ron thinks.

-Hey guys. What ya'll think? I hope ya'll enjoyed it. Have a good day or night.

-Word count: 606

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