13: Watch the sun set

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DOUBLE UPDATE, check the previous chapter before reading this


9 days left. 

"Why do I always agree to this, despite my busy schedule." Jungkook let out as a sigh, as he opened the trunk of his car and scanned all the things I had packed.

It wasn't too late, but late enough for the evening breeze to mark the night dawning upon us. 

It was around 8 pm. Jungkook and I were at a peaceful hillock, which was popular and appreciated for its view over Seoul, especially at night. Notwithstanding its popularity among the people who knew of it, it wasn't a big attraction as no one ever advertised for the beautiful spot, but rather kept it to themselves. Like a hidden spot.

Jungkook had shown it to me once a few years back just after he moved here. Funny how I was supposed to be the Seoul city guide, yet he was always the one to find such unique places to just be at.

I had had this part of the list planned for a while. It wasn't like it was gonna be anything special or more extraordinary than the usual trips to the hillock with our friends. We'd all made memories up here, together and apart.

I even went here alone once. 

It was the very day I found out my cancer had returned. 

As the doctors had let me go home and my parents had dropped me off, I had gone up here. It was in broad daylight, around noon and I wasn't the only person present at that moment. But I didn't mind, I didn't feel like crying really. Crying would do nothing, and the doctor's words really hadn't sunk in yet. At that time I didn't know how little time I had left.

I switched my attention from the beautiful view where the city lights little by little twinkled as the darkness soon fell over us, and to Jungkook who was busy putting out the blanket for us to sit on and grab some other small things from the trunk, that I had brought.

Ever since the previous day I had grown more excited than what I was before, and a lot more impatient. 

What changed?

Before, I was excited to spend time with my dorky best friend, watching the sun set and the city lights color the sky over Seoul.

Now, I was excited for the butterflies I would feel every time he looked at me. I was impatient for the warmth that would coarse through me when I was freezing cold, only by a single touch of his hand. And I was curious to find out if Jungkook felt the same.

"Thank you." I said low voiced.

Jungkook closed the trunk before cocking his head at me, "For what?"

"For doing this." I said, gesturing widely with my arms.

"For always agreeing to do stuff like this with me, despite your schedule, even though I know it's not as busy as you make it seem." I said with a grin. 

And for making me feel as normal as possible. Thank you for you.

Jungkook scoffed at my words, but a smile caressed his lips knowing damn well I was right.

"Thank you, Jungkook." I added with a sincere note, assuring him I wasn't being playful only.

"You're welcome, princess." He bowed nonchalantly, taking in my praise as if he expected it.

"Fuck off Kook, I'm being serious." I chuckled at his massive ego which just grew by an inch.

"I know." He said, granting me a warm and genuine smile that almost made my heart skip several beats.

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