06: A teeny break

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25 days left.

It was Saturday evening and I was back in the restaurant my friends and I had been to lots of times.

But it was long since I had been there last. I'd say a little over a month, which was long considering how frequently I was there before I got the news.

Jungkook had called not even an hour after we separated after the fishing, asking me to come along with him and a few of our mutual friends to drink the same evening. I told him yes since it had been long I'd been with them all last. I also told him I wasn't going to drink, to which he scoffed and laughed at me as if I was joking. I never needed to drink much as my tolerance was low and I got drunk quite quickly, but as far as Jungkook and the other's knew, I never turned down a drink.

But times were different now. I just shrugged his laugh off.

Jungkook and I had walked all the way back to his apartment after fishing earlier. He drove me home from there, as I had kept whining about my sore body. But really it wasn't just sore. I felt a slight trouble inhaling enough air to feel comfortable, my body felt weak and jolts of pain surprised me every now and then. To be fair it was also about a 50 minute walk.

The walk had made me exhausted, and if it wasn't for Jungkook pushing me, I had stayed home. I tried to get a little energized, drinking a coffee before going, but it was hard pretending to have fun when I was a sober exhausted girl surrounded by her drunk friends.

"Are you okay princess?" Jungkook questioned, putting his arm around my shoulder a giving it a firm squeeze.

I put up a pretend smile and nodded my head, to which he just returned the smile and turned to keep up with the conversation happening next to him.

"Y/n, come on, just a single shot." Taehyung who sat across from me pushed once again. He was used to me accepting the shot and challenging him one more.

"Not today Tae." I smiled while shortly shaking my head and praying for him not to push further and draw everyone's attention to me.

"You never say no?" Jimin interfered, backing up his friend's suggestion.

"I know really?" Taehyung turned to Jimin. They did a bro fist and quickly forgot their purpose of getting me to drink. I mentally thanked them for being too drunk to focus on one conversation only as they started having their own.

To be fair, I was usually Taehyung's drinking buddy and he'd probably missed me as much as I had missed him due to my absence of their recent gatherings.

"Why are you not drinking?" Haehyeon, who was sitting on the other side of Jungkook asked. She peeked her head out behind Jungkook's back, fortunately not grabbing the attention of other's.

"I just don't feel like it right now." I brushed the question off.

She gave me a skeptical look before accepting my answer with a nod and turning back to her own seat.

I gazed at Jungkook, who seemed to be zoning out. I was about to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention, when Jimin suddenly spoke to him and they formed a conversation.

I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. It's not like I was a boring person who couldn't have fun without drinking, but the fact that I didn't just not drink because I didn't want to, but because I wasn't allowed to seemed to hold me from enjoying myself. Once again, it was a situation in which I couldn't seem to forget all my worries.

I grabbed my bag and stood up slowly, "I'll get going now, it was nice seeing you." I spoke simply, smiling at my friends who just waved, too drunk to question why I was leaving early.

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