01: Get a tattoo

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32 days left.

"I want a tattoo."

Jungkook looked up from his phone immediately at the statement. Almost dropping his jaw, he stared at me as if I was some type of lunatic.

"You're catching flies Kook." I remarked, grabbing the straw in my smoothie and taking a slurp.

It was a nice day in mid-March. Despite the cool weather that typically characterizes the first month of spring, the sun was shining and making it nice be out. Jungkook and I had went to a cafe, as I had something to tell him.

It was the first weekend since I found out how many days I had left.

It felt awful, the way I was treated. My parents called me every other hour to check up on me, which I of course appreciated, but it also was a constant reminder of the short amount of time I had left.

My parents had talked to my school and my classes had been reduced. It gave me more time to hang out with Jungkook and with my family, but it also made me feel sick. I wasn't feeling physically sick all the time, but emotionally, knowing how my parents were already grieving and my classes were reduced with the only reason being my situation.

It made me feel ill, which was the last thing I wanted.

Which was exactly why I didn't tell Jungkook. I wanted to feel normal. I didn't want him to also act different towards me if he knew. I knew he would, who wouldn't? I already anticipated the looks he would give me if I told him. I didn't want him to worry. Nor did I want pity.

"You want a what?"

"A tattoo." I smiled.

"Since when? I thought it was a waste of money?" Jungkook spoke still rather confused.

"You're still holding a grudge? I already said I'm sorry Jungkook." I rolled my eyes.

Jungkook's left arm was almost covered in tattoos. Once when he showed me a few new ones, I accidentally spilled that it was a waste of money. In my defense, the new tattoos were overlapping some old ones! So technically it was a waste of money. It just came out wrong.

"Yes I am." He pointed his nose at the sky, acting as if he was offended.

I rolled my eyes once again and huffed as I leant back in the chair and crossed my arms.

"I'm thinking something simple on my wrist." I muttered, looking out the window of the cafe and onto the street.

"You're actually serious about this?" He looked at me, still with a disbelieving gaze.

"What, you don't think I'll do it?" I spoke growing mildly annoyed.

I'm not that boring, am I?

"No no, I believe you." He unattached his eyes from mine, "I'm just..." He shrugged and pouted his lower lip indifferently, "surprised."

I grabbed my milkshake and drank some more of it. Jungkook did the same.

"So, wanna come?" I questioned after a moment of silence.


"Yeah now, when else?"

"Y/n you need to book a time for that." He chuckled mockingly.

"Wow, I didn't know Mr. Tattoo Expert. I thought I could just walk in, get a tattoo and leave even without paying!" I deadpanned.


"No Jungkook!" I raised my voice a bit out of annoyance due to his stupidity.

"Relax princess, I was just playing along." Jungkook laughed at my outburst, "So you have booked an appointment?"

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