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It didn't help James that now Remus flirted with Sirius at every moment of the day and night and James was left to listen to Sirius ramble about how gay he was. He thinks that Sirius is okay with James dating his brother. Maybe.

Sirius sat James down in the dorm.

"James, I understand that you need to date Regulus. But please no f***ing or kissing or blo-"



"I'm not gonna f***your brother! Or anything else!"


And that was that. He couldn't very well tell Sirius that he was imagining doing exactly those kinds of things to Regulus.

The world seemed to despise him because today there was a quidditch game. I think you can guess who it's against.

James didn't know how he'd react to Regulus in a quidditch uniform now that he's realised that he's hot as f***.

Just before he reached the Great Hall, Barty strode up to him.

"James! Wanna make a bet?"

James was more than confused seeing as Barty had never spoken to him before, "Sure?"

"If you win Reggie needs to give you a blowjob and if you lose, you need to let Reggie do whatever he wants to you. Deal?"


"It's a deal then!" Barty walked away quickly while James was left standing dumbfounded in the hallway.

What had he gotten himself into.

The quidditch game was starting in ten minutes and it was Sirius' turn to give a speech.

"F*** s*** up out there but don't die!"

Marlene wiped a fake tear, "Inspirational!"

"Why the f*** am I friends with you lot?"

Remus walked into the changing rooms, heading straight for Sirius. He leaned down and whispered in his ear, causing Sirius to blush aggressively.

Remus grinned, "Good luck!"

The moment Remus left the room, Sirius exclaimed, "We need to win! My life depends on it!"

At least now he knew what Regulus was going to do to him.

When the Gryffindor team entered the pitch, cheers greeted them. The game began and Gryffindors were in the lead.

"Sirius Black is looking extra f***ing hot today!" Remus screamed into the microphone, ignoring Minnie's disapproving glare.

Oh yeah, Remus took up the job of commentating. Even if he knew f*** all about quidditch.

"F*** me! Sorry Minnie but my f*** the seekers are fast today!"

"Suck on that motherf***ers! Gryffindor scored!"

"You little b****! I'll choke slam you after this!"

"Well s***, the Black brothers are good. I wonder what else their good at."

"Watch the f*** out James!"

"Merlins f***img left tit! Sorry Minnie!"

"GRYFFINDOR FOR THE F***ING WIN! Sirius meet me in the dorm."

(I have no clue how to write quidditch games so enjoy Remus' commentary. There will be more dont worry)

The teams flew down, being greeted by cheers. Sirius slipped away with Remus while the Slytherins went to go change.

After the whole congrats on destroying Slytherin today, the Gryffindors went to the changing rooms. The girls on the team took showers that the boys swore took f***ing thirty seconds and left to eat dinner with their friends. Half of the boys left almost as quick as the girls while the other half hung around a bit.

James was currently in the shower. He was hoping that Barty's bet was a joke, not wanting to make Regulus uncomfortable or anything, yet he was proved wrong when Regulus slipped inside the shower cubicle.

He stood so terribly close to James and whispered in his ear, "Don't make a sound. Wouldn't want the Gryffindors to hear now would we?"

Let's just say Regulus has been revealed to be good at everything, James found out that Regulus looked hot when his hair was clinging to his forehead and James was left gasping on the shower bench.

How the f*** was he supposed to face Sirius now?

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