New Places & Old Faces

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It's been four weeks since Elizabeth started travelling in the Tardis. Three weeks since that damned Krillitane almost ripped her arm off. And three weeks of the Doctor's and Elizabeth's weekly meetings in the med bay. She had gotten used to the stinging sensation of tearing bandages and the Doctor's worried glances. But they both secretly treasured these times. There was no Rose, no Mickey and no imminent danger looming around the corner. This was their time. Their time to be with each other and grow their friendship. Contrary to the Doctor's reluctance to speak about anything too personal, Elizabeth hadn't stopped with the questioning. Eventually, he even talked about Gallifrey with her. 

It was one of those days again. She sat in the slightly worn-out white leather chair, following the Doctor's every move with her eyes, and picking up on every worried frown line on his forehead. She's always been a people watcher and the Doctor might be the most interesting person to observe. She's even picked up on some of his tells when he's lying. The only thing keeping her from sometimes completely zoning out was the short bursts of pain from ripping plaster. 

"You're healing faster than expected..." he mumbled, running a finger down the reddish scab. It was long and wide and not very pretty. Guess I'm not wearing tank tops anymore...

"Why did you say it like that? Is something wrong?" Anxiety rose up in her chest at the man's remark and she ran her own hand down her forearm. "Is it like a werewolf bite? Will I turn into a Krillitane now?" 

The Doctor involuntary let out a snort. She gasped, trying to act offended but also holding back a smile, "Don't laugh, I'm being serious!" 

The Doctor cleared his throat, looking at her with a soft smile. "You'll be fine there's nothing to worry about. It's just a bit unusual, that's it." He put his hand on her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. 

He lied.

She ever so slightly leaned into his touch. She trusted his judgement way too much.

"You better be right or else I'm gonna have a tricky time explaining it to my gran." They laughed and a comforting silence settled between them. He turned around to put all the equipment away.  After a few seconds, she gathered up the strength and nervously got up from her seat. She wanted to look at him but her gaze stayed on her fidgeting hands. 

"And speaking of my gran, could you take me home soon? Just for a visit." She'd been meaning to ask him that for two days now but was too nervous. Afraid he would think she'll want to leave forever. But she never wanted to give this up. And the smile he gave as he turned his head to face her, relaxed her worried mind. "Bored of me already?" 

"No, it's not that, I just...miss them, ya know. And I think I need to pop in every once in a while and not look like I've aged five years when it's only been five minutes for them. And you did promise to bring me back five minutes after I left, remember?" The Doctor's hearts warmed at the thought of having her with him for that long. He knew she'd ask to go home someday for a visit, it was just a matter of time.

"Of course." He turned his full body to face her and crossed his arms, dawning a serious expression. "But in my medical opinion, I think you should get some rest first. You look exhausted."  Elizabeth rolled her eyes at his theatrics.

"I think you're embracing the doctor role a bit too much, but fine. I'll see you in 8 hours." She gave him a tight-lipped smile, patted his arm and made her way to her bedroom.


When she woke up she did feel slightly better. Looking at the clock on her phone it showed that she had only sleep for four hours. Good enough. Elizabeth also felt a bit hungry so on her way to the console room she stopped by the kitchen to make a quick sandwich.

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