We've Only Just Begun

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As far as romantic dates went, this Rosie felt sure, was NOT top of the list.  She had been sitting cuddled up with Tom, at the side of the road waiting for the recovery truck for 45minutes.  The car's electrics had failed so they had absolutely no chance of repairing things themselves - and now they were both cold and starving.  What they did have was a packet of half eaten mints and a half drunk bottle of peach iced tea that wasn't even remotely iced.

They also had each other and a truly British sense of humour.  Bad jokes and terrible puns kept them amused for a while before they fell into a companionable silence.  

Rosie broke it first,  

"So, when people ask me how I spent my first proper date with Tom Hiddleston, Rock God, I think I'm going to have to use a little artistic licence" she nudged him from where they sat huddled under a blanket at the top of the embankment looking down to the car.  As always, breaking down on a busy motorway meant decanting from the car to wait.   She smiled at him and he looked back with a pained expression.

"I'm absolutely mortified!" he said "This is a NEW car, it just shouldn't happen.  And on our first date too" he closed his eyes and shook his head.  She shivered and pulled the blanket just a little tighter around her.  Truthfully she was beginning to wish she'd worn something a little more substantial than a delicately expensive cashmere sweater, but it was what it was.  "Oh and NOW you're cold.  This just gets better and better!" he slapped his forehead and groaned.

"It's ok Tom, honestly, I was just joking.  These things happen.  And there IS an upside" she smirked up at him as he peered at her through one eye, wincing.

"Is there?"  he didn't sound hopeful.

"Yes" she took his hand, almost as cold as her own at this point and squeezed it gently "I get another date out of you to replace this one" she winked triumphantly and despite himself, he laughed loudly

"Oh my God Rosie" he guffawed "you are priceless and amazing and definitely are getting another date" he stopped and looked at her intently, the noise of the traffic fading away in his mind as he did so. "From now I'll give you anything you want, any time you want it" for a moment there was  silence between them and he suddenly realised he'd said it out loud. Shit. Too much too soon Hiddleston, he berated himself silently.

To his unending relief, she just paused then smiled and snuggled closer, "you might regret that one day Mr" she said with a sly grin "when I've asked you to read Othello to me for the 100th time".  He snorted with amusement "what?" she asked pretending to be offended as she popped a couple of mints into her mouth. "What dud I shay" she tried not to be seen talking with her mouth full and took a swig of lukewarm tea, grimacing at the combination.

"Othello?  Is that the best you can come up with?  OTHELLO?" he was teasing her now, they had discovered on the brief drive they'd actually managed to get, that Rosie was almost as big a Shakespeare fan as Tom. She shrugged noncommittally.

"Ok, change my mind" she challenged him when she'd swilled her makeshift appetiser course away.

"Coriolanus!" he crowed "Definitely Coriolanus" 

She looked singularly unimpressed "don't know it."

"WHAT? Well in THAT case, I know a production that's coming up in the not too distant future, I'll take you." he said determinedly.  She was just about to ask him more when the yellow flashing strobe of the recovery vehicle lit up their faces and a cheery voice  called up

"You two ok?  My cab's warm, you can wait in there.  You'll be ok, all these flashy lights tend to make sure people behave!"  the figure of the mechanic waved at them and they trudged back down.  Tom helped Rosie into the cab which was indeed cosy and warm, then went with the man to review his dead car.

It occurred to Rosie that Tom hadn't introduced himself but the mechanic seemed to know him really well, right away. The way he stared at Tom and chatted away as they walked, asking if he was doing anything new. Maybe he'd used them before she thought as the warmth and the hum of the engine lulled her into a little nap. 

She came to as the vehicle stopped outside what turned out to be her flat.  Rubbing her eyes gently - she didn't want panda eyes added to the evening's list of disasters, she sat up.  She realised she'd been sleeping on Tom, his arm wrapped round her as she literally drooled onto him.  The small damp patch on his lovely blue shirt attesting to the soundness of her sleep. She was completely mortified. 

"OMFG" she abbreviated the curse as she covered her scarlet face with her hands.  Tom laughed loudly, 

"It's fine! Honestly! I've had worse on my shirt love, I promise!" he put a hand on her shoulder "Come on, let's get you in and let this gentleman take my beloved car to the garage, it's getting late and he needs to get home to his wife and his lasagne!" he jumped out his side and in a few strides was helping her get out too, ever the perfect gent.

She stood at the side of the vehicle and Tom leant in the window giving Pete - the mechanics name apparently she learned later - some details about the car.  Then oddly, he stopped and signed a couple of bit of paper and Pete took his photo.  Rosie, sleepy though she was, thought that was definitely not normal for a breakdown.

As they left and walked up to her flat, she challenged tom about it.

"Pete?" he didn't miss a beat "oh he's a big fan, just doing a bit of good PR" this was the truth.

"Of the band?  He's seen you before?" she asked innocently enough and Tom winced inwardly.

"Em, yeah, the band.  " this was not the truth and he felt terrible but was afraid to burst their bubble so soon.  He would do it, he promised both himself and Debbie, just maybe not tonight.  One more night as just Tom the musician, then he would come clean.

He'd just reconciled his conscience when they got to the door.  Rosie stopped and before she opened it she said quietly, 

"Two things Tom" she looked serious and he thought he knew what was coming. 

"Yes love?"

"Before we go in, one, I'm not easy.  You do realise that don't you.  Despite my little 'display' in the alley, I don't sleep around." she looked at him intently and he felt an overwhelming desire to protect her from the world she imagined judged her - and sadly most women - out of hand.

"I know little one" he said softly "it never crossed my mind" he stroked her cheek and she blushed delicately.  God he wanted to kiss her so much right now,  instead he said  "you said two things darling"

"Well since it's getting late and you have no car and I would ASSUME you live in a much more select part of town, miles away, I thought you might like to stay here tonight.  On the sofa" she said the last bit with a little glint in her eye and he knew she was reassured by his response to part one.

"In that case I accept, on condition you let me send for take out.  Don't know about you love but I could murder a pizza!" he grinned and she laughed,

"You're on" opening the door she stopped,  turned and said quickly "you're not allergic to cats are you?  Oh hell, never thought of that!" 

"Not in the slightest" he laughed, and just in time as Bentley made his presence known by yowling loudly and proceeding to slink round Tom's legs, tail in the air,

"This is Bentley, he kindly lets me live here, pay the rent and feed him. " she laughed and Tom rubbed the cat's head. He purred and stalked off into the kitchen with the two of them close behind.  As he sank onto a kitchen chair while Rosie looked for a pizza menu, he wished they could stay like this, just like this, forever.

Wishes were for children thought he reasoned.  And it was a long time since he'd been a child.  It would be nowhere near as long though until he resorted to wishes again. 

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