Opening Lines

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"So" she said, "You know my name but I have no clue who you are, just that you are incredibly polite, really quite charming and have legs longer than should actually be legal" she smiled and sipped her second measure.  She'd downed the first, measure for measure with her new companion and the resulting rush to her head had warned her not to repeat that particular activity any time soon.  Coughing and spluttering she had been helped to a seat, so now they sat in a booth sharing the rest of the bottle.

For a moment he looked at her as if appraising her then he said "Tom, my name is Tom" he paused and she wondered what he was looking at.

"What - TOM" she said "What ?" she sipped her drink again, the fire in the amber liquid now matching the desire rising in her slightly intoxicated brain.

"No, sorry, it's nothing.  My name is Tom.. Hiddleston and I am VERY pleased to make your acquaintance." he clinked his glass on hers and they swallowed again.  This time when he took her glass, he didn't refill it.  He set it to the side and took her hand in his, looking at her small fingers wrapping around his long ones as they entwined..  Slowly, agonisingly slowly, she watched him raise her hand to his lips and he kissed it softly.  

"Ohhhhh" a very small, very quiet intake of breath left her as her insides melted. She looked into his eyes that were now locked on her face. " Tom.."

"yes?" he said softly, his face now a mere hair's breadth from hers "yes Rosie?"

"I don't usually..." she couldn't form whole sentences

"Neither do I"

"Good then we wont..."

"No, we won't..."

Before she could think about it she leant forward and kissed him.  He responded immediately, his lips parting and his tongue running along her lips, probing.  She gasped a little and he delved in, tasting and exploring her mouth as she ran her hands through his hair, caught in their shared desire. He pulled back, his eyes alight,

"Do you trust me?" he said in a growl and for some unknown reason she knew she could, she did.

"I don't know you... but yes, yes I do."

"Come with me" Without hesitation, he grabbed her and helped her from the booth, his arm wrapped around her waist. She was suddenly as sober as she had ever been in her life, sober but unafraid. 

Before she knew it, he'd pulled her back behind the bar and out through a fire door into a side alley.  Briefly it crossed her mind she may never see Debbie - or daylight - every again but if so, this was exactly the way she wanted to go.  In the arms of this tall, sexy god.

He pulled her to him and turned to lean her against the wall, his lips crushing hers as they kissed with a burning intensity. His lips tasted of whisky and lust.  Pure unadulterated lust.  Just as hers did she was sure.  She was stone cold sober and knew exactly what she was doing as she rubbed herself against him, undoing his shirt buttons, pulling it from his jeans and peppering his muscular chest with hot kisses. He tipped his head back and moaned loudly then grabbed her face and kissed her passionately again. A moan rose in her throat and he swallowed it eagerly. His hands now roamed her body, coming to rest on her thigh,  lifting it and pushing himself against her so she could feel every inch of his obvious desire. Two pairs of jeans saved them from acting completely like alley cats but couldn't save them from her moaning his name as she came undone at his rhythmic movements against her.  He stilled and held her tenderly as he waited for her to come down again.

Panting as they calmed, he still held her against his bare chest, their hearts racing.

"What just happened?" she said quietly into the dark as she nestled in his arms.

"I - I don't - oh shit Rosie" he pulled back and looked down at her "I'm so sorry , you must think I'm some sort of sex crazed monster, I never usually, I mean I wanted to but oh GOD... " he babbled, his eyes now full of remorse and fear. She smiled and put a finger to his lips.

"Shhhh Tom, it's ok, honestly.  I'm a big girl. I have no idea what happened, I don't do this either but for once I don't care.  I wanted it and so did you, that's all there is to it.  We're consenting adults. And have NO doubt I consented.  A lot." she smiled bashfully and he laughed, relieved. "There's just one thing, " she stopped and he looked concerned again,  "I think this warrants a proper date don't you?  I mean, if you're going to ravish me in an alley you might at least get to know me afterwards!"

He grinned and relaxed, overjoyed she wasn't offended or scared or felt abused in any way.  That was the last thing he'd intended.  He was intrigued by her every bit as much as attracted to her.  Was it possible she really had no idea who he was?  Just as he was wondering how much to tell her, his phone buzzed in his back pocket.  An alarm.  He looked at his watch. SHIT!

"Oh fuck Rosie I'm on in 5 minutes!  Come on we need to get back in!" he took off, pulling her by the hand back into the building through another side door, his shirt still flapping.

"You're a musician?" he turned and looked at her for a moment "of sorts" he called as he legged it back.

"Ok, I will but I have to find Debbie!" she said as he deposited her at the side of the stage, tucking himself back in.

"But I'll see you after?" She nodded and he kissed her again, this time softly on the lips, dragging her bottom one between his as he released her. "Later darling" he whispered and with that he left her in a happy daze.

She turned and walked straight into her friend.  Debbie had a look of total bewilderment on her face.

"Dear GOD woman, were you with HIM all this time?  Why was his shirt... Did he? Did you?" she stared at Rosie who just smiled enigmatically. "you DID - you saucy mix!" she grabbed her arms, pulling her to the side and in a low voice she said "You DO know who that was don't you?" Debbie had the sneaking suspicion her bookish friend hadn't a clue.

"His name is Tom Hiddleston and he's a musician" she looked up to stage where he was now standing, guitar in hand ready to go "and I think I am..."  She was cut off by the first bars of their set booming out through the amps next to them.  Debbie shook her head. This wasn't going to end well, not well at all.  He was a good man, she knew that from his reputation, a decent man who guarded his private life but Rosie had absolutely no idea what she was getting herself into.  And by the looks of what Debbie had just seen, Tom was VERY into her.

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