Is This Love?

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The set, a mix of covers and original stuff, ended an hour later to tumultuous applause and cheering. Tom and his band were easily the best of the night.  Debbie and Rosie waited by the stage, Debbie now with her blonde Adonis back in tow. Rosie would normally have felt like a third wheel but tonight things were different. So very different.

She'd never believed in love at first sight or any of that nonsense. Not till two hours ago. Now, she wasn't sure. It was too early to be sure, but if feeling high as a kite and sick at the same time, a bag of white hot snakes swirling in her stomach meant love, then... 

Tom came off stage, sweating and smiling in equal measure. His damp shirt now clung to him, emphasising his chest and abs and Rosie couldn't tear her eyes off him. Even just watching him rubbing the sweat off with a towel made her moan inwardly. God he was hot.

He'd seen them immediately and grabbed for Rosie's hand, kissing it's palm, making her giggle and blush like a teenager.  Briefly he contemplated foregoing the usual after party so he could be alone with her and take up where they'd left off, but decided that was maybe just a bit, well, too much too soon.

"Darling!" He kissed her cheek now, "you waited" he smiled and looked at Debbie. "This must be Deborah... " he dropped Rosie's hand gently and gallantly kissed Debbie's knuckles.  She smiled sweetly and looked him dead in the eye,

"Laufeyson" she said so quietly only he could hear, a small smirk on her face, then louder for Rosie's benefit, "nice to meet you." He knew instantly SHE knew exactly who he was.  No hesitation, but no confrontation either. She was looking out for her friend, he could tell and was immediately impressed. "This is my... friend, Mark" she turned and introduced her date who stuck a hand out, barely able to comprehend who he was greeting. Debbie scowled at him not to say anything. He looked puzzled but nodded.  The only person unaware still seemed to be Rosie.

"We're having a little get together " Tom indicated what passed for a VIP area in the place, cordoned off by some threadbare red ropes" join us? Please?" He asked them, his hand now firmly back holding Rosie's. 

Debbie looked at her , she seemed so happy. She didn't want to spoil anything so she nodded "If Rosie is keen, so am I" she shrugged and Rosie squealed. Actually squealed.

The four of them moved and sat round a little table and the bottle of JD appeared once more. Tom poured measures for all of them and they toasted.

"New friends" Tom said gazing at Rosie intently. She blushed and sipped her drink feeling herself start to burn again.  Get a grip Rosie , she told herself. You're like a bitch on heat! What has he DONE to you.

"So Tom" Debbie said as she put her now empty glass down " been in a band long? You're very good" she pierced him with her gaze. She knew exactly what she was doing, subtly challenging him. She wondered if he was going to confess.

"Erm, no. Not really. This is just.. a hobby " he squinted at her more than a little awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck "but I'm enjoying the new experience.  Its giving me a new perspective on performance for sure." He smiled and she pressed on "you feeling in need of a career change then?"  To anyone else it was simply a get-to-know-you  type conversation but both Tom and Debbie knew there was more to it.

"No, not really" he admitted "it started out as a 3 month project, but I discovered I could just lose myself in the music" he started to smile carefully.  Perhaps this was nearer the truth than he had actually imagined.

"Mhmm? Sounds like a slippery slope to me" she sipped her drink, eyeing him carefully.  The band battle now over, the room had resorted to a dancefloor, a generic house band playing covers.  As they played something innocuous, Debbie stood up "Come on Tom, let's dance" she stuck out a hand and he knew he couldn't refuse.  

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