The Memorial Service

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Quick AN: Will's song is inspired by Vince Gill's song 'Go Rest High on That Mountain'. Honestly a beautiful song and worth a listen!

Halt was a legend.

Everyone in Araluen had heard of Halt. Many outside of Araluen had felt the consequences of Halt's heroic actions, generally positive for the friendly countries and negative for his enemies. And therefore many wanted to pay their respects to Halt and his family.

Pauline and Will had decided there would be a memorial service, open to everyone. Then, Halt's body would be brought to the forest. Anyone unable to attend the service was welcome to stand on the side of the road and pay their respects. But once they reached the forest, only a select group of people were welcome. They would attend Halt's actual funeral and afterwards attend a repast to celebrate Halt's life and share their stories.

Sometimes he hated being King, Duncan thought. And this was one of those times. As King, he had to open the memorial service and give the first speech. He stood on a small podium, waiting for everyone to settle down. He let his eyes glide over the crowd, and was happy to see so many people who had come to honour his friend. He doubted that the outside of the crowd would even be able to hear the speeches, but they were here.

He focused on the people in front of him. Pauline sat as elegant as ever, but her red eyes and shaky hands revealed her sorrow. Will sat next to her, hood pulled far over his face. Earlier, Will had been hiding and was fully lost in thought. Duncan smiled sadly as he watched Will take Pauline's hand, giving her the support she undoubtedly needed. He was glad they still had each other, and that Will noticed Pauline's grief. To him, it was a small sign he was coping slightly better than with Alyss' death. This time, he had not fully withdrawn himself from everyone. And many had come to mourn with Pauline and Will.

Next to Will sat Gilan, holding hands with Jenny. Gilan had been the one to inform Duncan about Halt's death, but Duncan had been the one to catch Gilan and console him when the news truly set in. He had travelled with the Royal Family to Redmont, but had barely said anything the entire journey. The others had left him alone, caught up in their own grief, and well aware of Gilan and Halt's special relationship. Now, Gilan hid his face in the hood of his cloak, but his shaking shoulders revealed his deep sorrow.

Cassandra sat next to Horace, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. Horace had placed one hand on her cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb. Halt had meant a lot to both of them, and Duncan could see the pain on their faces. Once again he was glad his daughter had married Horace, they were made for each other and Horace could support his daughter better than he ever could.

Halt's nephew, King Sean of Clonmel, had also come. He became King when Halt abdicated after Ferris' death, but had already admired Halt before this, thanks to his mother's stories. And thanks to Halt, Clonmel and Araluen had become allies, quite often working together to ensure peace. Halt was Sean's last direct family member, and he had insisted on coming to the funeral, even though the timing was not ideal due to some unrest in his court.

Duncan had to smile at the sight of the Skandians. He had heard all about their funerals from Cassandra when Ragnak had died, and was definitely curious to how they would hold up at the repast. But, he thought, Halt wouldn't mind if it turned into a slight drunken party. Better celebrate his life than cry about it, but all in due time.

His granddaughter Maddie had opted to sit with some of the other Rangers. Not all of them were able to come. After all, the criminals also heard about Halt's death and might put this time in which the Rangers were distracted to good use. Instead, only the closest Rangers to Halt came. The other Rangers would pay their respects at the next Gathering, as was tradition. Duncan was glad to see Maddie fully accepted by the Rangers, as it meant less grey hairs for himself, his daughter and his son-in-law.

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