The LOV vs Fifteen, Evol, and Eden

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So where did last left off? Oh yeah DECADE facing off against Hands AKA Tomura Shigaraki, Warp AKA Kurogiri, and the Kaijin called a nomu. So let's this chapter stared shall we.

Y/N Decade: So are we gonna stay here all day or are we gonna fight!

Shigaraki: Your starting to annoy me Nomu go and kill him.

The Nomu then let's go of Fem Shota and rush at you  but you took out you Rider Booker in sword mode and slash it across the chest make it scream and you continue slashing it then kicking it away back to the villains.

Y/N Decade: I thought you put more of a fight. 

But then the Nomu started healing itself. You figure out that the Nomu might have move than one quirk.

Shigaraki: Ha my Nomu was made to kill Al Mighty do yo think you beat it Ha don't make me laugh.

Y/N Decade: So that thing was made to kill All Mighty. Well F.Y.I I'm not All Mighty! 

Shigaraki: And what makes you think that you can stop me ?!

Y/N Decade: And who's said it's was only me that will stop you?

Then the villains were shoot from two different directions. The villains turn and look at the directions of the shooter and they saw was two Kamen Rider Decade Clones with their Rider Booker in gun mode in hand. 

Decade C2: Well let's even things out a bit shall we.

Decade C3: The LOV vs Three Destroyer of worlds.

Y/N Decade: Nha let's make thing more interesting.

The three Decades pulled out 3 rider cards but not just any other rider cards they were Dark Rider Cards.



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