"A New life" (Part 2)

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Jean had never felt more miserable and ashamed of herself after she was finally left alone with the thoughts of her past mistakes and their dire consequences, once Jakob interestingly enough had left the hospital before midnight to have some rest at home, implying that he had to get a special gift for her anyway – probably a smoothie with strawberries and slices of lime he'd been used to make for her every morning. It wasn't much about the drink itself, and although in the beginning this habit of his was getting on her and Otis' nerves quite badly, only with time she'd come to understand that this was just him showing his affection for her – his love language, which she didn't deserve to get anymore for betraying him in the worst possible manner and hiding the shocking news about his parenthood.

Jean wished for things to be different, as she had spent the entire night staring down at the paternity test's results, but no matter how many times she'd looked at the percentages, the harsh reality of her ruining the lives of her loved ones wasn't willing to change for her sake. Jakob, their children Ola and Otis – she let down each of them with one horrible decision and there was no coming back from the mistake she'd done, as she had a living proof of her dishonesty in a form of her newborn daughter Joy.

The seriousness of this situation kept Jean's mind occupied with questions about what the truth would do to the future of their family, making her heart grow heavy with pain against her doctor's advice to maintain the stress level on minimum in order to have a speedy recovery from the complicated surgery. Decades of experience in therapy and countless stories of her patients with sometimes unique issues – from absolutely ridiculous, to the most simple ones – hadn't prepared her for this moment, and probably for the first time in her life Dr. Milburn couldn't rely on her own judgment in this matter. She needed to confide in someone she trusted – share the burden of keeping this secret with the person that could give her an honest opinion, and with the Swede still resting back at the house, Jean had decided to make an important phone call early in the morning.

Maureen's life had also witnessed a few major changes in this couple of days, and having built a solid friendship with Jean over supporting and helping one another with their family problems, she couldn't wait any longer to discuss those recent news with her therapist friend. The thoughts of her son's latest confession and a rendezvous with Michael the other night got stuck in her head, as she was soon wandering around the corridors of Moordale community hospital with a basket of fruits in her arms after having a rather awkward breakfast with both Adam and Hugh and then stopping at the nearby supermarket to buy a symbolic gift for the newly become parents.

"One hundred and fifteen...that's the one" the brunette exhaled in relief once she found her friend's new room and straightened upright, quietly pushing the door open with her shoulder and catching onto the sound of a working TV, before noticing Jean laying in the bed in her pyjamas with her attention focused on what seemed to be a porn magazine, "Uh...Hi, Jean! I'm sorry if came in the wrong time...It's so nice to see you feeling better, how are you holding up here?".

The blonde got startled by the voice coming from the doorway with her features flaming red for a second and quickly reached to hide the magazine under the pillow in panic like a teenager that got almost caught doing something inappropriate by her parents, "Oh, it's you Maureen! I'm so glad you came! I'm...recovering...still...I'm so sorry if I sounded urgent on the phone, I didn't mean to bother you if you had other things planned–".

"Of course it's fine, what are you talking about? Who would I be, if I didn't want to check on my friend, I should've come to see you much earlier, you scared every one of us that day" the brunette shuffle over to the bed to give her friend a kiss on both cheeks and then pull her into a tight embrace, while settling a small basket of fruits on the overboard table, "Here...they don't allow flowers anymore, so I thought you guys would like some mangoes and oranges, cause you know, hospital food's not to everyone's taste. How's your baby girl doing, is your man with her right now?".

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