"What goes around, comes around" (Part 3)

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This day was going a lot more differently for Ruby than she had expected during her late night conversation with Roland, as she spent the entire morning and the majority of the afternoon in her small pink bedroom sleeping with the squashed purple pillow between her arms and it being tightly pressed to her chest to let her mind rest and drift away in a soothing dream about Otis after calling in sick at school and returning back to her house with the help of her 'untouchable' friends Anwar and Olivia supportively walking her to the cherry coloured convertible through the car park.

Her mother Rosalind had only just arrived home from her night shift at Moordale community hospital and was changing into her home clothes by the time Ruby appeared in the doorway, looking emotionally overwhelmed and physically exhausted. The brunette school girl instantly wrapped her arms around her worried parent, who'd rushed towards the front door from Roland's bedroom to meet her daughter coming so early from her classes, snuggling deeper into her embrace and softly saying, "Mum, don't worry...I just don't feel well today, everything's fine", before pulling away and trudging to her own bed without even taking her school uniform off apart from the grey blazer and missing both breakfast and lunch Rosalind had cooked for her family.

However, things were better in Ruby's dreams – tears of pain got replaced with her gently smiling into her pillow with a warmth of hope in her chest blossoming and mind rearranging the ideas about her interaction with Otis, rewinding his voice in her head, his piercing blue eyes meeting her dark-brown for a brief moment, his cute awkwardness, 'Thank you...it really means a lot...Do you want me to go with you?'.

He still cared about her, even being with 'Cockbiter' Maeve Wiley hadn't changed that and it's all that mattered to Ruby, but at the same time it was filling her up with doubts if she's doing the right thing by pushing this idiot away to get over him, cause everything might change once his new girlfriend returns from her American holiday trip.

Having one more day off from school and a normal sleep she's been deprived of ever since her break up with Otis seemed to help her to feel a lot better than in the morning when her head was pounding like crazy, making her body feel flimsy and numb as if she was about to faint. Waking up less than half an hour ago, Ruby was still in her grey shirt and skirt, covered with sheets and sitting up against the headboard of her bed with the purple pillow resting on her stomach and legs tucked beneath her – she was holding a phone in her hands, texting to her friends Anwar and Olivia about the celebration party they've arranged for this evening and she unfortunately won't be able to attend, knowing that she will definitely throw up after just one cup of her favourite "Jack and Coke" in her current state, which would result in her embarrassing herself in front of everyone and getting her reputation damaged.

 Waking up less than half an hour ago, Ruby was still in her grey shirt and skirt, covered with sheets and sitting up against the headboard of her bed with the purple pillow resting on her stomach and legs tucked beneath her – she was holding a ph...

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Ruby reached out for the mug of hot green tea with a little bit of honey Rosalind had left for her by the lamp on the small wooden bedside table near the framed photographs of Ruby's grandmother, father and her as a child on the wall, before giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead to see if she has a temperature in a usual mother's loving way and leaving the house to go to the grocery store.

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