weird chapter.6

370 15 40

3rd person:

"Ew what the heck, Wilbur why." Apollo whined, "Stop whining gremlin, also you need to look stylish, Apollo.  And lucky for you, I'm the best stylist out there!" Wilbur said making a heroic pose. (That's so ironic of you will, your a vigilante.) (real)

Apollo glared at him and then started staring at his wrists, as if he was plotting something stupid. Which well, he was. He apparently decided that biting Wilbur would be the best idea in the world and bit him, Wilbur yelped in surprise and pain and then yelled, "OW- WHAT THE HECK YOU RABID RACCOON,COME HERE YOU-" Wilbur then decided to start running after him, he saw Apollo hiding in a corner so he decided to extend his arms infront of him to try and get ahold of him (future ran here, replaced one of the "grab" words because there were too many and it was driving me insane).

When he was close enough to grab him, someone grabbed (help I don't like how much the word grab was repeated but my mind can't think of another word) his wrist. "Wilbur Soot Minecraft." The person said in a tone that sounded like an echo, Wilbur then turned to the person and saw his father 'Oh no-' Wilbur thought to himself, he was dead.

(Why am I imagining philza snapping his wrist and doing a whole anime fight- ;-;)


"Stop trying to kill the child, Wilbur." Philza said, as his eyes and the top of his face was covered by a shadow like an anime. (Why not I'll keep that in, I'm too lazy to change it anyway)
Apollo's eyes lit up as he stared at his father figure in awe, while Wilbur was staring at his father in fear, but this ain't about him

philza Minecraft then turned to Apollo, "You alright mate?" He asked. Tommy decided to be dramatic and worry literally everyone by saying,

(I cannot write and there are many reasons why, this is why ran is now the writer)

(I'm too lazy to change everything lmao)

"Are we ever okay Phil?" Apollo looked Philza in the eyes with a blank expression, while Phil just looked at him in concern. Wimblur then got out of his panicked state and looked at Apollo with the same expression.
"Ap-" Phil started before Techno came in with 4 capes and a cooked potato, he then saw Phil's and Wils expressions "What's all this about?" he asked in his monotone voice while biting into the cooked potato.

"Long story." Wilbur said,turning around and  shrugging. meanwhile, philza was staring at nothing with a expression of a worried father which I cannot explain because I don't think my father ever had that expression- (same here mate.)

"Alright boys, we better get Tommy his new clothes ay?" He said smiling, "Assuming genders, Philza?" Apollo asked while looking at philza with narrowed eyes. Philza then looked at him blinking "I- whats your gender then mate?" He asked smiling softly while cocking his head to the side like a bird.  (I'm a virgo-) (where did that even come fro-) "What you just said because they don't want to assume my gender" Apollo said smiling, "Meh, Tommy want to come get a cooked potato?" Techno asked while looking at Apollo who's eyes lit up "Sure!" He said smiling and running to Techno, "Hey! What about us? Also Apollo needs to get his new clot-" The Blade and Tommy didn't even let Wimblur finish his unimportant sentence which no one cares about before they dramatically walked out of the store like they rule the world to get a cooked potato.

Wilbur then let out a sigh and looked at his father "What now?" He asked looking depresso expresso, his father then came up to him to pat his head "Eh, atleast they're getting along. Do you want to shop for some clothes for Tommy or go grab a cooked potato with them?" The Crow Father asked. "Can we go get a cooked potato with them?" Wilbur asked the man who's adopted millions with out knowing it, "Sure mate." He said as he started walking out the store the same way Techno and Apollo went.

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