Part 3

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Halllooooo, it's me!! My motivation is slowly dying, but I hope that this chapter is good, and that you enjoy it!

Piercen, Percedal, Ruel and Ranort were walking down the streets of Bonta, heading towards a Zoo that Ranort mentioned. They weren't going to look at the animals of course (well, only Ranort was). They were going because there was a brawling area that had competitions on who would win. You could place bets on who would win, and that sparked the other's interests.

"And here it is!! That famous Bontian Zoo!!", Ranort exclaimed, as they had reached their destination. In front of them was a large arched bridge, with lots of people walking on it. It was decorated by lots of flora, and had little holes of which you could see little animals living in them. It was a wonderful, but not what some people were fixated on.

"So where's the brawling area thing? I can't wait to fight something.", Piercen asked Ranort, looking up at him as he crossed his arms. He was by far, the shortest in the group, if only by a little bit. But if anyone were to mention that, oooh dear, it'd be worse than Edovy. So nobody did.

"I'll take you guys to it, but only if we look at some of the animals first, ok?", Ranort bargained, smiling as the three nodded in defeat. It was, but a small price for the reward. They went through the Zoo, looking at the animals, and actually enjoying it.

After about 30 minutes, they made it to their place of interest. The Brawling Area. Percedal and Piercen immediately went to where the animals were, and signed up for a few competitions. Ruel started betting for Percedal to win, which caught the attention of many gamblers.

'I wonder how Edovy is doing...', Ranort wondered, looking to the ground as he sat at a table.

(Yugo stared at the sea in awe, amazed at the sight before him. "This is awesome!", he exclaimed, a wide grin forming. He jumped onto the fence, trying to see more. Edovy smiled, and leaned on the fence, admiring the beautiful view. "It really is, huh?", she muttered.)

"Eh, they must be fine.", he muttered to himself, spotting Ruel's baby Drheller escaping from his owner's bag. He walked over to Ranort, and stared at him in wonder.

Meanwhile, Piercen and Percedal were absolutely thrashing their opponents, animal and human alike. They were incredibly strong, and very smart in the fighting sense. Ruel was making lots and lots of money, as he knew what his red-head friend could do.

"Hahaha!! I'm rich! Rich I tell you!", he yelled, spirits rising through the roof. Ranort was playing with Junior (the Drheller-), and having a fun time as well. The competition was nearly over, so he picked up the pet and walked over to the viewing balcony. When he looked down, he saw his Iop friend doing what he did best.

Piercen was currently facing three aggressive Goballs, and was winning. He dodged them, and one of them ran straight into the wall behind him, falling for his trick. He took another by the horns and sent him flying to the opposite direction, hitting the other on the way. Despite not being very academically smart, he could come up with many fighting tactics in the span of a second, and would demonstrate them perfectly.

He was like that when he first met the others. By then, the 'Brotherhood' just consisted of Ranort, Fluris, Edovy and Zist. He ambushed them, and nearly won, if it wasn't for Fluris outsmarting him with his darts. He apologised, and eventually became part of the group.

Finally, the competition ended, and they announced the winners. Percedal and Piercen tied for first, as they did way better than the others. Ruel was earning a lot of money, having won all the bets. Ranort cheered for the two Iops until his gave a note from a bird.

He tensed slightly. Only one person can get a bird to give a message to someone in his group. He prayed that she was alright, and nothing bad happened to her and Amalia.

He opened the note and read through it. His eyes widened at the message, and he smiled slightly. He grabbed a pencil from his pocket, and wrote his response. He knew that the bird would take the message back, as Zalia had the talent to tell birds what to do.

"Well then, I better get ready. I wonder how that's going to go.", he mumbled to himself, staring at the bird as it flew off to the sky, returning to the sender.

And I'm done!! I hope that you liked this one, and that it was good. Tell me if I did something wrong!

Anyways, what do you think the note said, hm 👀? I'd like to hear your thoughts 😊

Here's a little secret about Ranort. Unlike most Enutrofs, he doesn't have as much of an obsession of Kama's as other Enutrofs (like Zist- I MEAN-), as he grew up with a very rich background. He's always loved animals much more.

Anyways, I'm out! Until the next chapter, which will be focused on Yugo and Edovy!!


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