Part 1

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Halllooooo it's me again. For those who don't know what Wakfu is, it's a French anime that you can watch on Netflix.

It's very good and I recommend watching the series up to the middle of season 2 to understand some of the events. I've really wanted to make a story about this, since I love Wakfu. Anyways, onto the story!!!

Edovy was laying on a tree, twirling a flower in between her tanned fingers. Her ears twitched as she heard a slight breeze pass her by. Today was very calm, so she ought to enjoy it while she can. Her comrades can be very loud when they want to. She was snapped out of her daze when she heard her name called from below.

"Edovy!! There's a group passing through the forest! I was thinking we could scare them a little. And possibly get some loot?", a white-haired boy called, emerald eyes shining near the end.

As an Enutrof, he had a large obsession with money and gold, and the thought of stealing some more made his spirits rise. Edovy smiled, and slid off the branch she was atop of, answering her friend's question.

"Only this, okay? I don't wanna get caught today, Zist.", she replied, dropping the flower to the ground. Zist nodded, and sprinted to where he spotted them. Edovy followed, catching up in no time at all.

She whistled, indicating to her friends that they were about to raid a group. There was another whistle, which meant that everyone was ok with it, and that they were heading over.

Zist soon stopped, which meant they arrived at their destination. He looked around, then spotted a group walking through the forest, and they appeared very calm. Obviously they didn't know that there were thieves near them. The two soon saw their friends arriving, and explained their plan using their hands, since one of the travellers had a weapon.

Edovy counted down from three, mouthing the words as she did.

"Three, two, one, go, go go!", she mouthed, and everyone snapped into action. She put her hood on and got to work. She tackled the smallest one, falling into the bushes as the raid had begun.

Zist tried taking an elder's bag, but was surprised when he put up a decent fight. Zalia came from above, and drove a Sadida backwards, away from the group, while they screamed.

Ranort ran up to the female Cra and tried stealing her bow, only to be blocked. The Cra tried hitting him, but instead avoided an dart that nearly hit her arm, which was shot by Fluris, who sat atop a tree, hidden by the leaves. Piercen charged at the redhead Iop, laughing viciously as he started a wonderful fight.

Edovy now kept the small person on the ground, holding their wrists and pinning their legs so they couldn't move. She smirked, and looked down at them.

"Got you now-", she started, but widened her eyes when she saw who it was. She darted back, not believing her eyes.

"Is it really- Are you- Wha?!", she asked breathlessly, her confidence depleting. Why didn't she see it before?! She hurried back to the group, leaving a very confused escapee behind. She leaped from the bushes and yelled,

"Call it off!! Call it off!! This is the Brotherhood of The Tofu!!! CALL, THE RAID, OFF!!"

AND I'M DONE!! I'm sorry if it was a short chapter, i tried to do as much as I could without it being too long.

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