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Tbh vote for this chaptet dont idgaf anymore, im convinced no one actually reads these anyways

I asked my mom for a hair cut bc i js want to be more comfortable, im js tired of my long hair and she said friday but i want it now so i walked away saying thay and she just snapped back "of course, whatever -dead name- wants its always now now now." And it fucking hurt, she knows i dont like that name yet she still refuses to call me what i prefer and i barely ever ask for shit anymore anyways bc of her reactions to it so idek what this is abt! And ofc if i want something im gonna want it now, thats kinda how wanting things works! But i was going to just walk away and wait but no she had to say that and now im crying again.
I hate her, i hate my life, i hate everything.
Im so fucking done.

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