My opinion on Drew

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I'm bored and I feel like sharing my opinion on this ugly off brand grape.

Personally I absolutely hate him, and I have a lot of reasons why. Now he definitely isnt the only tmf character I hate, honestly I hate most of then after episode nine.

The only ones I actually like anymore are Jake, Sean, Daisy, Stacy (fight me I absolutely love her), Sadie and Elliot. I'm okay with Lia, Liam and Henry but I still dont like them.

But this is about Mr rich boy not them.

Honestly hes just an overall toxic person. He bullys people just for their interests, like he bullied the music club way before he even met Jake like back in middle school. (Which it was confirmed Jake had no friends in middle school and he most likely became friends with Drew and then in freshman year)

Hes also been seen bullying Elliot in the background of the redemptive music video, meaning hes just a rude bully. He has no excuse to treat people like this idc what you guys say.

And episode 9.....

Hes not in the right just because he misses Jake or whatever and Jake should ABSOLUTELY NOT stay their friend.

Manipulating, gaslighting and peer pressuring your friends is NEVER okay. In fact you shouldn't do that to anyone. Hes way to controlling over his friends, Jake cant even have other friends or be in the music club because Drew dislikes it, and that's not fair to him.

Also just because Zoeys cheating on him, it doesnt make him completely innocent because he has a girlfriend who's cheating and using him. It doesnt excuse his actions, and no one can say anything about his home life because anything about him having a bad home isnt cannon just remember that.

This was alot longer than I meant it to be-

I guess I just have alot to say on Drew.
I honestly have even more to say on the music club but i hate both of them and they both definitely arent good for Jake.

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