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!Vent! There shouldnt be anything triggering here but if there is than let me know.

So my aunt moved in to live with me a few months ago and shes honestly been treating me like I'm not even human or worthy of respect ever since. I basically have to be perfect and agree with her opinions all the time and I'm not allowed to have bad days.

Yesterday we were watching TV and my mom was in the bathroom so it was just me and my aunt. I was watching a tik tok and she asked me to turn it down so I did but literally 5 seconds later she got up, paused the tv and stormed off into her bedroom calling me disrespectful. It honestly hurt, I feel like everyone in my family besides my little cousin hates me. They all treat me like I'm less than everyone else. It's not fair.

Now shes moving out just because my mom saw me crying and confronted her. Shes mad because my mom stood up for me instead of treating me like trash for her. I don't understand what I did wrong, I'm 13 years old. I'm not going to be perfect! I'm still human! She cant seem to grasp that concept and it honestly hurts, I want to have a happy loving relationship with my family but it just doesnt seem possible.

Dang this was longer than I expected it to be and this is only one of my problems :/

Anyways now I'm just locked in my room until she leaves.

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