the ending.

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Hey guys, this is the ending to the cliffhanger I left you with in my first chapter! These were supposed to be one shots, but as you've all asked a lot for an ending I'll give you one... The reason I waited so long is because I couldn't think of a good ending! I have lots swirling round in my head but I've finally managed to merge a few together and I hope you approve!! Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me x

And with that, Sebastian took Clary's hand as she interlaced their fingers together. He walked carefully to the window, slid the glass panel open, and took one last loving glance at his sister before she whispered, her voice breaking in the process as she tried to hold back tears.

"I'm so sorry brother. I truly am"

and with that, the look of confusion and love from Jonathan the only thing Clary saw when she brung all her strength into her tiny arms and pushed her brother out into the cold, his feet tripping over the ledge they were both supposed to escape from and live long, adventurous lives.

Jonathan cried out, tried to grab onto Clary, the window, anything that would prevent him from falling to his death.

It was too late. Clary had already stepped back, and looked the other way, scared she might try and save the brother that hundreds depended on her to kill.

It'll only cause you pain to think of what could've been, she thought, trying to push the heartache and rage she was feeling back.

She heard the crack of bones, splat of blood on the cold stone below as a crowd of people came rushing in the bedroom, some cheering, some hugging, all glad the operation was successful and the whole thing went to plan.

Jace was the first to reach me, apparently. But I couldn't hear him, I couldn't see him.

All Clary saw was the look of love towards her as she pushed her brother to his death, and she hated herself.

"Why did I do it?" Clary whispered into her hands as she began to sob, dread filling her bones as she regretted ever agreeing to save these people, because she'd rather have her brother here with the whole world in fear than him dead.

Why did I put these people I don't even know before my brother?? My only flesh and blood... I betrayed the one person who would ever truly love me.

Clary couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't understand how people could cheer and celebrate and congratulate her when she felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest, when a few days ago she would have gladly pushed Sebastian without a tear shed, and now she felt like she was drowning.

"Get out! Everyone out, now!" Clary screamed, as the cheering stopped and everyone stared at her monetarily, shocked at the sudden outburst.
A minute passed and only Jace remained in her room, trying to soothe her by rubbing his hands up and down Clary's hand, trying to warm her up, show her he was here and it was okay but she quickly slapped his hands away, remembering how Jonathan had done the same thing just 15 minutes ago.

''What's wrong, Clary?" Jace asked, hurt by the way she had slapped his hands away and hurt by the way she looked like she was in pain.

"You too" she replied, resting her elbows on her knees and she sat down on the bed.

"W-what?" Jace stuttered, unable to make out what she was saying with her red, fiery hair com covering her face.

"I said, get out! I don't want you here Jace!"

Jace was stunned and hurt, but as she wished, he stood up from the bed and exited the room slowly, turning back to think about how she was in shock, she caused a death,never if it was her evil, horrible brothers. He would leave her to realise she's done the world a favour...

Once Jace had shut the door, clary began to cry, burying herself into the warm blankets, unable to reach over and shut the window in fear of seeing her brother laying, dead, all thanks to her.
Would the look of confusion and hurt still be etched on his face as he lay dead on the stone cold path beneath my window? Clary thought.

About an hour had passed, and clary had an idea.

Wiping the tears from her face, clary stood up from the bed, reached down and picked up the discarded sketchbook and pencil, and tried to force a rune on to the page, anything that would help.

After hours of trying, Clary had something. A swirl of black, darting around, she tried to trace it from her mind onto the page.

"Finally..." Clary whispered to herself, sounding relieved and still a little in shock.

With this rune, I'll undo what has been done to you brother.

And then, together, we shall burn down the world.

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