I'm Allen of Course

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The newly awakened Noah smiled sadistically as he played with the bloody tips of his hair. He began to pick at the glass imbedded in his wrist.

"First Tug."

He jerked it out.

"Then Push."

He pushed it in further.

"Bloods pretty.."

He licked at it.


He paused for a moment, a heavy silence filled the room.

"Then you..."

He put on a thoughtful face.


He spoke uncaringly. He pushed harder.




"STOP ALLEN!" Lenalee sobbed loudly once more. Lavi and Choaji tried their best to comfort her.

Tears streaked down her cheeks.

"STOP IT!!!!!"

The Noah stopped and looked down at the pitiful girl.


He pushed away from the shattered mirror and crouched down in front of his 'friends'.

He smiled softly.

They smiled shakily.

"Lenalee...what's wrong? Don't cry...." He stared into her eyes.

She sniffled,"Y-you're b-bleeding."

He reached a shaking hand to caress her pale face.



He dropped his hand back into his lap after he had wiped her tears and run his fingers through her hair.

He smiled.

She screamed.

He laughed.

Blood from his wrist ran down her face, along with streaks in her hair.

He dragged the ragged piece down his arm, letting the droplets fall down to the ground. He laughed some more, gripping harshly at his sides and hair. He stumbled back into his Uncles arms, leaning his head back to snuggle into the warm chest. He inhaled Neahs scent.

Everyone watched in horror as Neah slowly wrapped his arms around the boy bringing him in for a possessive embrace. Lenalees shoulders shook slightly. Lavi and Choaji now had tears running freely.

"I'll ask you again," Cross was pissed, "Who.The.Hell.Are.You?!"

He stayed near the exorcists as he pointed his glare towards his former apprentice.

The boy unhooked himself from Neah before turning towards the General.

"I'm Allen."

He smirked, before playing with his Uncles hair,"Who else would I fucking be?"

*Ok hey everyone! I'm going to try and update more often, so yay:) Any ideas on how to improve this story and/or my writing? I'm going to really work on speeding things up a little in the next chapter. Also, I want to add ALOT more NeahXAllen stuff. I've got so many ideas in my head right now! But....I want to check with you guys first to see if you would want this. So please comment and review!*

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