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"Come along boy" Jack said as he walking further into the forest of Halloween town.

Zero barked circling around Jack. "Not now Zero.." Zero barked again floating into the woods and back to Jack. He sighed, grabbing a bone from his rib cage and throwing it "go fetch boy" Zero barked happily and floating to where the bone might be.


Y/n slowly regaining consciousness, opening her eyes seeing tall trees towering her. Sitting up not remembering what happened or how she got there.

"what..happened to me?" She said rubbing her temples. Looking up and her surroundings, it hit her.

Oh..right. I feel into that tree door..I guess magic is real. I think? But where am I exactly?

Y/n stood up slowly wobbling a bit. Try to recognize where she was. "Is this the woods behind the park or.."

Y/n began to limp out of the area she was in. Looking for something she would recognize.

"Where am I..?I don't recognize this place.."

"Zero Boy! Where are you?"

Oh shit! Someone's near!

Y/n hustled to a near by tree. Hiding behind it, although if someone was near she could ask where she was but yet not everyone on the planet is nice.

"Zero where did you run off too?"

That seems to belong to a man..what is a guy doing all the way out here..?

A bark brought y/n out of her thoughts. She looked and saw a dog- no a ghost dog with a very red glowing nose. Her eyes widened seeing the creature. He barked again running to her feet


Zero barked in excitement circling Y/n. "Hey, hey! Shh" Y/n kneeled down to the ghost dog trying to quiet it down not to alert who ever is it's owner. Zero kept barking and jumped onto Y/n making her fall back. Y/n laughed as Zero licked her face. "H-hey! Please get off!"

Y/n tried to get the dog off her but he kept licking her face happily.

"Zero? Zero there you are boy!-oh"

Y/n froze feeling a presence behind her. She turned her head slowly, looking up at the man. But he was very much..not alive. Zero jumped off her lap now by Jack. Y/n slowly backed away from Jack, afraid what she was seeing.

"Oh no no no no no no! Don't worry my dear I won't harm you!..my you are very quite..alive?"

"A-and you're very not alive?" Y/n muttered.

Zero barked looking up at Jack. "Zero! Did you startled her? My apologies miss.." Jack stepped close making y/n crawl backwards.

Jack stopped seeing that Y/n was afraid of him. Who wouldn't? Jack is literally a skeleton.

"Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I am Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town. And what is your name, my dear?"

Jack extended his long boney arm out to y/n so she can take his hand. She hesitantly took it as Jack pulled her up with easy. "Y/n"

Y/n looked up at him seeing that he was very much taller than her. "Y/n..my your hands are very small and warm.." Jack examined her hand in his.

"How did you arrive here, Y/n?" Jack asked curious.

"I..was pulled into some sort of pumpkin door that was craved into a tree.."

Jack's curious grew. "Pumpkin door craved into a tree? Hm, well that sounds very strange.."

"It was" y/n pulled back her hand from Jack's cold grasp. "Hm.." Jack looked down seeing Y/n was depending on standing one foot. "Did you get injured when you arrived here?" Jack asked looking at her foot. "Hm?"

Y/n looked down seeing what he was looking at. "Oh, yeah. I probably just pulled a muscle but it's fine. It'll get better soon—woah hey what are you doing?" Jack kneel down about to scoop her up. "My apologizes I should have asked, but I believe it would be best if we care that injury. Since well, you are human..may I?"

Jack scooped Y/n up into his arms as if she didn't weigh an ounce "h-hey Jack! Don't I weigh a bit-"

"Nonsense, my dear. It won't be any trouble. We shall return once you get better, alright?"

Y/n looked up at his soulless eyes. She nodded "very well.. come along Zero"

Zero barked and led the way with his bright nose.


It was close to midnight the Townspeople all in their homes by now, a few stragglers out wandering around. Jack quietly made it into his tower carefully taking Y/n in side. Not trying to awake her since she did fall asleep in his arms.

Zero looked up at Jack about to bark but Jack shushed him. Walking up to the top of his tower, laying her gently on his bed, then caring for her wound. Wasn't that bad, a bit bruised.

After that he gave her space and went to his book shelves looking if there was books about humans or the human world.

Jack turned examining y/n's features And thought:

How can a human come across here? Is that even possible? Is there a way to bring her back to her home? Nonetheless I will help her, I shall introduce her to all of Halloween Town! Yes she would love it! Oh the things I shall show Y/n! It will be splendid!

Zero floated to Jack's legs looking up at him. "Zero, I think good things will come along with Y/n.." Jack muttered.

"Good things"

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